Flight of Fists
Well-Known Member
mine cracked too on the inside...if I brush my finger along where the crack is there is no noticeable ridge or crack

My batch was from the beginning of June.pretty sure mine came from the same batch as @Oneiric and possibly the other guys...
so far, no cracks here....
i dab at 630F - 660F and heat clean at around 820, but have pushed it to 850 before
i am feeling nervous now though....
I haven't put my coil past 581 since I received my sapphire dish. I honestly don't recall the exact time it cracked. I just noticed a weird line on the dish when I was about to dab.
I have my enail set up as so: slim series base > coil > heat retainer > dish.
Using a custom made carb cap, it fits the halo series perfectly. Doubt this is the reason.
I have my enail on for at least 8 hours day. And probably run through about .5-1g of distillate a day.
Order placed on June 15. I have probably been using it for 2 weeks now.
My buddy with a sapphire, who also got his from the same batch, is ok for now. But he is also getting nervous about all these cracks.
They improved on it too, I bought one a year ago and then recently and the newer one is much better due to the smaller hole and lower ceiling on the inside. Could just be due to different manufacturers but whatever works.I'm still in d-nail sticker shock, but my god their universal carb cap is outstanding. Perfect tight fit on the halo, very small and light weight. I do like the forked tip for leaving less leftover oil. The angle the air hole is drilled at is excellent. I'm duly impressed!
this looks exactly like my quartz nail, like identical. Not the crack that is but the complexion/color/translucency. as others mentioned previously it looks wayyyy clear to be sapphire...i dont have a sapphire halo but i have the sapphire dish and its noticeably whiter/more opaque than the quartz, maybe they fucked up and sent ya a quartz? still doesnt explain the cracking tho
So my sapphire halo has started to show some cracks. 2 small cracks, they dont seem like they go all the way through, but I can see the end of this halo's life as it's now compromised. I plan on buying a SiC as a replacement because I don't feel like this product has the durability to reflect the cost. I have been extremely careful. =/
Where are the cracks?
Pics if you're bored.
Which batch did your Halo come from?
Ouch, What do you think caused this? Was it prolonged heating or thermal shock in your opinion? Can you tell me the thickness of the sapphire used in the Halos?
Maybe we can figure this issue out before the Liger sapphire inserts drop so it doesn't happen to them as well.
Here's the crack, the other one is in the clear base area and it's hard for me to get a good picture. The one in the base looks like it's inside the sapphire, whereas this one here appears to be coming from the outside in.
This halo was shipped out on June 14th.
I have no idea what caused it. I run mine between 530-740F. Usually at 620F. I've let it sit for 24 hours at 740F before. I've heard of people doing this at much higher temperatures? I pretty much just heated it, vaped off of it, and wiped with dry qtips after session. Never iso cleaned or any liquids touched it. As to the thickness? Maybe 2mm on the dish side and 3mm on the bottom?
Was on the list for a June batch halo myself and SOOO glad I backed out.
Having cracked a bunch of glass and quartz myself, dollars to doughnuts this is from thermal shock.
Lots of the pics I've seen have the retaining nut above the coil, this lack creates a lack of coverage between the bottom of the dish and the heater and would def be enough to cause the thermal shock required to crack a sensitive material like polycrystalline aluminum oxide. ( sapphire )
These dishes should be walked up and down in temp very slowly and with the heat distributed evenly to reduce the thermal shock.
Since most of these dishes came from the June batch I suspect a defect in crystalline structure. Perhaps grown too quickly, with impurities or gaps in the structure.
I wouldn't expect the future liger inserts to do any better and I'm shocked people actually believe d-nail is selling these at cost when their probably getting them for 50 to 100 tops and gauging price.
I have my own polycrystalline sapphire dish made to fit a 6mm Quartz banger due to arrive tomorrow and I'll be sure to report back how it goes when I get more oil. Hell maybe I'll even sell em, for a lot less than 300 tho.
Just so everyone knows aluminum oxide has three forms, the first d-nail dish and inserts that looked tan/ceramic which is allumina, the cloudy ones they use know which is polycrystalline, and a clear monocrystaline structure that's more clear.
Happy dabbing all.
Here's the crack, the other one is in the clear base area and it's hard for me to get a good picture. The one in the base looks like it's inside the sapphire, whereas this one here appears to be coming from the outside in.
This halo was shipped out on June 14th.
I have no idea what caused it. I run mine between 530-740F. Usually at 620F. I've let it sit for 24 hours at 740F before. I've heard of people doing this at much higher temperatures? I pretty much just heated it, vaped off of it, and wiped with dry qtips after session. Never iso cleaned or any liquids touched it. As to the thickness? Maybe 2mm on the dish side and 3mm on the bottom?
I have a sapphire halo from the June batch....also shipped out June 14th. Mine is still going strong with no issues (knock on wood). One difference I notice in pics of people's cracked sapphires is that I put the heat retainer/spreader below the flat coil instead of above it. Also, this it's probably less relevant, but I'm using all d-nail gear as recommended on the sapphire halo purchase page.
The sapphire dish runs at 650F every day. Have pushed it to 900F before for an hour and left it on for about 5-6 hours at 860F several times as well.
I'll try changing y heater/nut placement as well. I have an extended life flat coil coming with my SiC Halo which I'll use. Glad to hear yours is still going strong @Gn0sis
Guys, my sapphire halo is still set up with a flat coil on top of the heater retainer and the halo bare on top of my coil (no retainer in-between). It has sat in this position for > 6 months with the heater left on the entire time (except for cleaning). My sapphire is still unbroken with no cracks/chips. I will say that I am and have always been ultra cautious about only very softly tightening the lug and only just enough to keep the halo on the base. I also do not ever raise the temp to clean it anymore. It sits at my dabbing temp and when I need to clean it I take the nail apart and use pressurized steam.All of the Sapphire Halos pictured above have a much different appearance than my Sapphire Halo.
Mine is more opaque, and much whiter in color:
Brand new, never used:
Two from today:
It's still a bit dirty in those later two pics, but it cleans up clean as a whistle and looks brand new.
Mine comes from the first batch that was shipped in April.
I have been dabbing the hell out of it for the last four months @610*-620*.
I will clean it @850* and leave it @850* for hours on end.
All night.
All day when I'm at work.
And in between each set of dabs.
It's a workhorse, or more accurately an Arabian or some such.
I'll typically do two dabs, then crank it up to 999*, which will get a heater temp of ~850*.
What do other people's Sapphire Halos look like?
Are all the cracked halos of the more translucent variety?
It looks like the first batch are milky white and not very translucent (polycrystalline?), while the second are much more translucent (monocrystalline?).
Different lab/method/QC methods?
Regarding hardware I'm using a D-Nail Standard Flat Coil and a D-Nail V1.3 base with an Auber RDK-200 control unit.
I'm the only person here that I've seen using the old V1.3 base with a Sapphire Halo.
There's definitely more metal in the 1.3 base, so all other things being equal, it would heat at a slower rate + it's heat radiators are quite a bit more pronounced.
Probably a non-issue.
To me, with this small sample size, it looks more like a specific problem with the second batch.
I would keep the heater retainer between the heater and the halo.
I really think that the heater itself (Kanthal nichrome) will expand more when heated than the titanium heater retainer.
I'm afraid that heat expansion coming from below my Halo will cause it to become too tight and crack.
Another precautionary method is to keep it barely finger tight (I know that's old news).
... both of my sapphire halos (I was one of the very first to have one and have had sapphire halo for over a year) were white like my bro's halo in the post above. Never had any real translucency and the clear looking halo that is being commented on earlier really looks like a quartz halo to my eye.
Has anyone received one of the much more recent sapphire halos? I will say that between my first and second sapphire halo, the wicking pattern in the dish changed. This I was informed was a design choice that improved the wicking aspect. Have noticed little difference to the last one though in function, but this may be a subtle change.