@Alexis got more info from Sébastian/Herborizer :
The digital controller will not work with the analog Ti Injector and the power supply (Ti and XL)
The Ti digital injector will be more powerful and equipped with a thermocouple probe (4 connections)
The price will also be higher than the analog Ti
Only the glass parts will be identical
Thank you for your interest
Best regards,
Guess we will need to see what kind of 4-pin plug will be used. Interested in the Herborizer as a daily driver. Right now it’s between the SH/FP and GS that are my daily’s which both are 5-pin XLR. Was hoping to use my Peli Nail but it is sounding as if it might be better to just get the controller and DigiTi pieces minus the glass rig.
Thanks man. You spoiled my show! I also had some info from Sebastien about the digital Ti. I have been too tired to post it yet, I was saving the "big announcement" to gain some popularity around here- you beat me to it and forced my hand now!
Anyway, here is the very similar, but not identical info he gave me:
"The digital Ti should be available for spring, late March or early April
The current power supply as well as the analogical controler works with the Ti and the XL
But it will not work for the digital Ti
The heating element of the digital Ti will be different from the analog Ti (36W and 2 connections)
The Ti digital injector will be more powerful (70w) and equipped with a thermocouple probe (4 connections)
The power supply of the digital Ti will be different and more powerful
All glass parts will be identical for analog Ti and digital Ti."
Discuss (what an awsome exam question that would make, takes me back to my philosophy degree

-Right! So for a start, the digital won't work with the current controller, we can now be sure.
-It should be a SIGNIFICANT upgrade.
-Obviously it will cost more- I anticipate at least €380-400 for the system alone without water tool- (you can quote me on that, Im usually very good with this sort of thing!)
Now, my own personal concern is that this will be effectively almost like a different vaporizer.
I am going to buy the Ti again because I can now tolerate it very well, I can't tolerate any of the other big heavy hitters I have tested (FPSH and GS namely).
I can't take any more risks, I need to know for sure the next vape I buy will not cause a bad reaction like those other 2.
For all I know now, the digital Ti could effect me differently and be badly tolerated.
I mean, for example, if setting 5 produces air heated to 190 C, and the digital is set to 190 C, would the vapor and effect be exactly the same?
I can't be sure now. I was kind of hoping the heater would remain unchanged, just with better accuracy and reactivity.
A very big bonus to the digital is being able to know what temps you are at.
I could happily wait until the spring, but I am thinking it is a risk for my allergies etc to venture into another unknown void.
I just want a vape that I know I can use comfortably and enjoy. So right now, as much as I want the best, I feel it would be more sensible (and cheaper) to get the analog Ti.
Calling on my friends for your

on this (
@biohacker ,
@Hogni @invertedisdead and of course, the master-
@lazylathe ! Think that's ALL my friends?

And all other wise members as well of course, for any thoughts on this?