A big hello/bonjour to all!

This thread has dropped dead after it was bursting with life, with a good number of new recruits. I am part responsible- I have been taking a time out to deal with some difficult health issues and just started treatment for Lyme again, hoping to get my life back soon at long last.
I am now on a vapor break. I had limited time to fully test my Ti, and was not in a fit state, so there was pressure and less ability to enjoy.
I am still not sure of my conclusions. I need some time for more testing, and to be in better health to enjoy more and have my brain working.
When I first used the Ti it murdered my chest for some days. I thought I would just have to sell it. But I pushed on, and strangely it seemed to get a lot easier.
Also, my chest which is bad due to multuple infections and allergies, actually got a lot better after many days of Ti use. Not at the time of vaping, but over the 24 hours at the "good" moments after clearing my lungs with peppermint and hot steam.
It seemed as if using the Ti had helped my lungs. When I take antimicrobial herbal treatments, I get a very bad chest. It is an immune response and die off from infection.
So it is possible that any reaction can be due to healing or die off, or allergy, or sometimes both.
This is the case with cannabis for me. I am allergic to it, but it also has medicinal effects and combats infections. And very often, infections cause allergies, which dissappear when the infection is gone.
I think it is possible the the Ti vapor is more medicinal than some other vaporizers, including the XL, and my bad reaction is partly to do with this.
So I did a fair bit of testing, but not at a great time for me. I was tolerating the Ti much better though.
One thing I dont like is how quickly the goods are extracted. I know this is what we want, and is essentially the key theme of the Ti's design and conception, but I find that at practically any temp, and any size load, the majority of the actives are extracted on the first 1 or 2 inhalations. There is more left, but vapor is barely visible. I would prefer to get a number of equally large, even hits, with hits 3, 4 or 5 being as decent as 1 or 2, from a decent load I mean of 0.25 grams up.
I mean this from a viewpoint of enjoying the experience of vaporizing, rather than getting dressed up for the show and it is over in seconds. I have used a lot more weed than usual this way, than I usually do, so the Ti is certainly not a vape to conserve limited rations like the Vapcaps.
I did use my Omnivap as well. Sometimes just 1 load at end of night, or 1 or 2 loads through day with numerous Ti bowls.
Some days I only used Ti, some days only Omnivap. And I have to say that the Omnivap still fills a purpose and to me, stands up respectably besides the Ti effect wise, and outshines it in terms of efficiency.
This I feel is because I exhale so little Vapcap vapor, most is absorbed. With the Ti and the concentration of actives, SO MUCH vapor is exhaled on the first draws. I try to hold it in but is a bit difficult with monster hits.
If weed is unlimited, no issue of course. But the Omnivap certainly has its place alongside. Using both vapes each day gave me much better experience overall. Techique is critical with Vapcaps. It took me months to figure it out right.
I also will say that the XL still has its place! What I really like about the XL is the ease of use. It is such low maintenance. Once loaded, you can hit it for ages without needing to stir or anything. Whereas the Ti needs stirring very frequently due to uneven load cooking and super fast browning of top layer. The edges and underneath get missed out a bit.
And you will need to reload very soon, or else the session is done very quickly.
So it is a much more hands on approach where you have to use your brain and senses more, to keep an eye on the load and the vapor temp etc, stir, empty etc. Never sitting back with mind elsewhere drifting off.
But as Sebastien put it out "Optimised for complete extraction in 1 or 2 inhalations."
So that is essentially the point of this design. So Im not actually citing a fault, just showing some pros and cons of the 2 models.
Also, the Ti effect still comes on so cleanly and subtly, and is delayed. I finish a bowl in zero time, and think "boy that was done quick. I dont feel much effect, I need another bowl. I load it and suddenly I realise "actually, I dont need more after all." But I am already psyched up by then for more. So it is a bit tricky for me to find my ideal, predictable, replicable dosing strategy.
Also, my tolerance went up quickly with Ti use. The first time it worked right, I was wrecked for hours. I quickly adapted to the power though and it became normal, Im sure I was more hammered though, just used to it.
Im no good at these vaporizer reviews like the rest of you- my thinking is too irregular and unusual, and Im a complex deep thinker. I have more to add to this at later date.

(with French accent- the same spelling I believe?):
I come here tonight for 2 reasons- the thread has died, and I did an experiment earlier with the Ti and my method of vaping essential oils on hemp fiber to clear my allergy congested lungs.
I started my homeopathy on Tuesday and the infection die off is UNBEARABLE to begin with. Always worst at the start, and so much mucus has to be cleared from my lungs each day or life is impossible.
I have been using the XL for this method with hemp fiber and essential oils, but it is not perfect. I didnt like the draw restriction of the XL. 40 inhalations plus is hard work!
I had hoped the Ti might work for this, with much better airflow. So I gave it a crack tonight. Took screen right out, made hemp fiber ball, dropped in bowl, 2 drops pepprmint, heater on 3.5 and WOW!
The densest instant peppermint vapor I ever seen. Almost a whiteout. It worked VERY WELL. It was much easier on draw, and so much more effective at converting the essential oils into vapor than the XL. I even used less oils- 3 rounds of 2 drops instead of 3.
It did the trick and I cleared my lungs amazingly well. I took much less inhalations than with the XL. The vapor was denser and easier to generate in the D020-D bubbler. And there was no problem with the vapor declining on rounds 2 and 3 due to the oils blocking the airflow through the hemp fiber and making it sticky. The Ti just powered the oils through and onto vapor on the final rounds.
My chest is a hundred times better now than the last few days, infections have already taken a big hit from the homeopathy,,and the Ti has helped to clear a ton of mucus from die off.
I will be doing this again. I was agonizing to decide if the Ti is the right vaporizer for me, and whether I should sell it and continue my search for my ideal vape.
But now I will have to keep it IF ONLY for this essential oil method. So much easier, quicker and more effective than the XL for this. I will now focus on curing my health issues and allergies and my tolerance of vapor should improve massively.
I still dont understand the mechanism by which the Ti does this. It just seems to extract and vaporize stuff so much more effectively, weed or essential oils.
But I dont really want to sell my XL now. I hope to have more vapor sessions with friends in time to come, and the XL is an excellent social session vaporizer. I think the Ti would be a totally different social experience, with more focus and attention (English accent this time!

) on the vaporizing process- load, stir, empty, reload etc. I imagine it would almost be best to take turns, and have your own bowl at a time.
When I am better in my health this may work fine with and without friends, but I do like a slightly less hands on, more "eyes closed", foolproof experience, such as the XL offers. I think both models running at the same time would be interesting however- 2 different styles of vaping to mix and match- could get messy!
@Joaon ,
@latulipe999 , maybe you have had some exprience using the Ti sociallly?
So there we are mes amis! More thoughts to come. Please nobody read too much into my experiences, I am a freak, so any criticism of the device is related to my crazy life and irregular mind.

Plus an element of autism I have always believed

, we all fall somewhere on the great wheel or "spectrum"!