@Hogni hoping you are well. I already received my repaired injector from Sebastien. He only got it monday, he fixed it, cleaned the inside out,and sent it back to me for no postage fees in only 2 days!
Is that customer service or what?! And as if that wasn't enough, he included free pack of screens and a grinder! The smallest Herborizer one. I really like the design and feel of the grinder, it turns better than any grinder I have used.
However, I know Carlos said they were poor quality so I'm not sure it will take place over my Newvape fine grinder, but we'll see.
Sebastien has also replied to my email to him, and in refrence to the request I passed to him from you Hogni for a controller re-design.
I will quote him below, I am 100% sure he will not mind this, there is some interesting general info too. (Nobody tell the law though please

"You do well to tell me about the problems of this user
It can stick something (black stickers) on the LED to avoid too
powerful light
I will study the problem to try to improve these details,
unfortunately I have no immediate solutions, I have to review the
It is a pity that you are sensitive to the new Ti
I also designed a new bowl for micro-dosing (with glass screen)
And I worked on a digital prototype, the DigiTi, with thermocouple
probe, temperature setting is accurate, power is 70W, preheating is 2mns
I attach photos
Best regards
Sebastien Richez".
So there you go, he is on the case! I cooked up my sugar leaves anyway. 20 grams into 220 grams coconut oil. I left it in the oil 24 hours until I was ready to strain it last night with muslin.
There was only 190 grams of oil in the final jar, the other 30 grams worth still in the muslin with the dense ball of leaves and sunflower lecithin.
So we make tea from the muslin ball. I made it so a good dose of the edibles is 2-3 grams, so there is a lot left in the cheesecloth.
The trouble with the tea is you have zero way of knowing the dose. You just pour boiling water over it and squeeze out the dark goodness into the cup.
Last night, already VERY high from vaping, I made my first cup of tea. Didn't want to underdose so I made sure with quite a few squeezes. Then the muslin goes back in the fridge for another 4 or 5 days of tea straining.
I did overdo it! I got the nicest, darkest, richest, creamiest cup of tea from it. Could have had one third of the dose but what a lovely experience the whole night was. Was still super high this morning. Just 6 vapcap loads today but so mellow. Another cup of tea later and some more vapor I am sure.
Now I have the XL back, I think I won't use it today in the wreck I am in from the edibles and barely any sleep last 2 nights! Just some gentle vapcapping until I pick the moment to test my harvest in the Herborizer and Newvape FG.
Once again, Sebastien is so cool, I never have or possibly could receive better customer service and with such warmth. Makes me wish even more I could use the Ti so I can buy one off him plus all the accessories!
However, next stop Symphony I believe, my plan anyhow!
Edit- I lied! I felt pretty good after my early evening steam inhalation following a very nice meal. So I had to set uo the Herborizer! I was so excited to have it now, before I just took it for granted and thought it wasn't exciting enough. I have missed it.
Except I suddenly started having a panic attack when I remebered how much weed I need to load into it!
Because I have been using the Vapcap and a log only for weeks, I felt like I would NEVER run out of herb supply, not enough hours in the day to consume it!
So I swung to forseeing my stash vanishing faster than I like. If it was a guarantee to replace it, ni weather turmoil next summer etc, then no sweat. But really unless there is enough for 2 years, I could easily end up with no weed for a year (at least), if next summer is a wash out- for example.
Sorry, don't mean to be negative. Anyway, loaded a still small load into "Herbie", but it was a lot of material to keep the other vapes going. About 0.3 max.
I thought I might need to finish it all before dinner, but I got very nicely stoned without needing to go much past half way. And in a totally different way to the Omni and log vape. Much healthier vapor as well, "truer" vapor.
Off for dinner- boiled potato, sweetcorn, olives and tahini, with coconut oil and cinnamon and spice sauce. Yummy!