Me too!

Honestly I am undecided about whether to keep it after all. I decided I couldnt justify keeping both, and the Ti would be my preference but I am struggling to make use of it with immunity being poor currently.
The XL I could always use. I think the thing I really prefer with the Ti, and which makes me less keen on the XL, is the actual handling of the heater, and bowls too to an extent.
But that tiny awkward little handle to the heater I never have liked about the XL.
The Ti is a dream of a desktop heater to manouvre. So easy. But Im thinking the XL would be good for me to keep and bring back into rotation it has only been out of use because my mum made such an effort helping me to clean everything up for sale.
I probably would have already sold it a long time ago if not for the blowback crumbs I managed to get into the heater after Sebastien renovated it brand new for me.
We will see though. One day at a time for now. Hold in there bro for me getting back to you. I shall, has been a week from hell but on the up again.
@vitriol I hear you bro, decisions to make. The excitement of possibilities. Well let me add this- The Ti can actually be used like the XL, session style. It just isn't as well suited that is all.
The bowl has a smaller capacity crucially. If you overload it, which Im guessing is anything much over 0.33 (depending on herb), the top will get a bit cooked and flavour will suffer.
Whereas for me, 0.33 was my minimum load. 0.5 is better.
But on my recent trials with the DigiTi, I have favoured lower temperatures like 300 to 330 C maximum for my very sensitive respiratory system. With full loads. And I was pleasantly surprised to see how I could use it as a session vape, with many consecutive draws of equally smooth and consistent and dense vapor, without really needing to stir or fiddle for quite a while.
It is when you up temps to 350 areas (or 6 + on analogue), that you get that more rapid, powerful extraction, and when it becomes more essential to stir the load after each hit practically, ideally, to get an even, consistent extraction.
But I was actually really surprised to see how long the load was producing really smooth and tasty but dense enough vapour output on Lower temperatures.
I wonder if maybe, tge DigiTi lends itself better towards Lower temperature vaping due to maybe having more consistent and stable temperature control? Certainly more precise at least and less guesswork and memory with the analogue dial.
So I think you could probably actually use the Ti in this more relaxed, session style. But it will be more like- in stints. If you get my meaning. However you go about it the load will needs tending to more frequently and sooner but this is not necessarily a bad thing and can be fun being a little more proactive throughout the session.
So it may be an option still to sell your XL and take a chance you wont miss it, and accept any compromises. Just in case this is still on your mind I thought this angle might help with that.
Or just get the analogue. Its just as fantastic, really. Totally different vape to the XL, but still offers low temp sessioning how I describe, just maybe less accurate and more variable through the session.
OR- maybe there is a way to keep the XL, AND get the DigiTi?
Can you sell your girlfriend??
And real sorry man, I didn't officially welcome you here. Your presence and enthusiasm is very refreshing Im glad you joined.
And I can see you know the drill well in the weed and vaping world. I appreciate your thoughts regarding logic and experience with glass pieces, I can relate to that 100%. I do want a nice bubbler like that.
Okay I think that is all. I just popped out before this post to get some fresh green chillies for dinner. Only had 2 Vapcap loads via Woodscents before heading to the shop. I was pretty high already, but the plan was to hit the ready loaded Elev8r upon return
This post has allowed me to "level off" enough lol. Excited to take some monstee hits now. I was already too cained from last 24 hours vaping and edibles but Im in good mood and spirit suddenly.