Hey all! Wanted to reply sooner, but couldn't find the time till just a moment ago.... Appreciate all the congratulation messages!!!!
@Melting Pot,
@Madcap79...... Thanks much!
@RUDE BOY, Thanks! Definitely feeling it!!!
@lwien, Thanks! Always on the lookout for a guy jogging with a Hammer vaping a micro-gram!
@Been Vapin , Thanks! You put up quite a fight on this one!!!!
@CG420, Thanks! Send them Aliens my way! If they fit, I'll vape 'em!
@xX Swamp Donkey, Thanks! Me too!
@1_gr8_underdog, Thanks! I've read every bit of info I can on this beautiful device. I believe you are correct!!! Can't wait to report back!
@GeekyGodiva, Thanks! You know me! Will absolutely be experimenting and reporting back! So looking forward to this!
@Raskin666, Thanks! Feeling quite lucky! Glad to be here too!
@Herbal Ant, Special Thanks! Not sure if I can DDave-Mod perfection, but if the beast has not yet been released, know that I'll be working on it!
@placetime, Thanks! Had fun with this contest as well!
@nigel, Thanks! (and another Thanks for being the "bearer of such good news!").
@TheHerbalizerTeam, Thanks for an awesome product and a great contest!
Wishing everyone an fantastically-Herbalized Weekend!