Maluco Beleza
Hi Folks,
After spending hours reading the FC forum and watching great videos on youtube I decided to join the forum and ask for help.
So far, my only experience with vapes happened a couple of months ago in US, when I met a dude who had a Volcano and a Vapir NO2. I enjoyed them both, but perhaps they are not the ideal vapes for me.
I would love if i could go to a shop and physically see/touch/try them, but I live in QLD Australia and here these are not sold anywhere (just online).
Anyway, my main criteria for choosing the vape is efficiency and secondly power. I want a vape that allows me to use small quantities of herbs and also one that vape it consistently, producing good intense vapor. Is it asking too much?
However, I have a dilemma regarding portability that I will explain laterby the way, I wish I could by a portable and powered one, but Ill have to stick with just one!
So after all my research my short list came down to:
Aromazap very efficient (0.025g per steam! Quite portable using a car adapter, but I get conserned with its power, although Ive seen people using bongs to boost it up. Do they post it to Australia? Ive tried to go up to checkout in their website and it seems that they do.
Magic Flight Launch Box great size and goes with small amounts, but its power and battery life concerns me.
Da Buddah/Silver Surfer Powerfull and can be somewhat portable if I use my car power inverter, but I dont know if it can cope with small amounts (1/4g for a session) and the glass parts are a bit concerning (can break).
Thinking on portability and my concern with MFLB battery usage I get some time tempted in getting a gas heated ones like iolite for example.
Well, those are all the question marks flying around my smoker head at the moment and I want to decide myself so that I can change my lifestyle and start vaping ASAP!
After spending hours reading the FC forum and watching great videos on youtube I decided to join the forum and ask for help.
So far, my only experience with vapes happened a couple of months ago in US, when I met a dude who had a Volcano and a Vapir NO2. I enjoyed them both, but perhaps they are not the ideal vapes for me.
I would love if i could go to a shop and physically see/touch/try them, but I live in QLD Australia and here these are not sold anywhere (just online).
Anyway, my main criteria for choosing the vape is efficiency and secondly power. I want a vape that allows me to use small quantities of herbs and also one that vape it consistently, producing good intense vapor. Is it asking too much?
However, I have a dilemma regarding portability that I will explain laterby the way, I wish I could by a portable and powered one, but Ill have to stick with just one!
So after all my research my short list came down to:
Aromazap very efficient (0.025g per steam! Quite portable using a car adapter, but I get conserned with its power, although Ive seen people using bongs to boost it up. Do they post it to Australia? Ive tried to go up to checkout in their website and it seems that they do.
Magic Flight Launch Box great size and goes with small amounts, but its power and battery life concerns me.
Da Buddah/Silver Surfer Powerfull and can be somewhat portable if I use my car power inverter, but I dont know if it can cope with small amounts (1/4g for a session) and the glass parts are a bit concerning (can break).
Thinking on portability and my concern with MFLB battery usage I get some time tempted in getting a gas heated ones like iolite for example.
Well, those are all the question marks flying around my smoker head at the moment and I want to decide myself so that I can change my lifestyle and start vaping ASAP!