Help with Magic-Flight Launch Box


Well-Known Member
Hello, I am new (very new) to vaporizing. I just got a LB and I have a few questions. The first thing is, how do I know when my weed is spent without combusting it (ive read LB is capable of combustion, right?). I looked up pictures of vaped bud and its like a dark brown, i've vaped 2 trenches and with both, i've gone to black. It seems that while I try to get it all evenly brown, some parts get darker while some stay greener so by the time i get the greens all brown, the brown is already black, makes sense? I do stir and shake after every hit, and take the battery out in between hits. Could it have to do with the fine-ness of the ground bud? should i put more of hand-broken buds instead of finely ground from the pollinator that came with it? Also, the light inside, I was told its just an contact indicator, but will it stop glowing once my battery is spent too, like is that a way to tell if the battery is drained? I am getting the "effects" of the herb, but I just want to maximize the box's efficiency to get all I can get out of it without combustion or smoke (I have bad lungs..... example: I get a cold, turns to bronchitis, turns to pneumonia... in the middle of summer.... in florida....). Any help is greatly appreciated.... Especially if anyone has an LB and would be so kind as to post pics of their avb so i could get an idea... any tips for use of this cool ittle contraption are very welcome too....

also... in terms of efficiency and ease of use, is this better than the Iolite (im not rich but money is not a decisive factor)


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
yeah sounds like you are combusting... maybe you are putting too much herb into the trench, try loading less herb in the trench so it is easier to get to all the herb and possibly avoid combusting. Black bad... brown good.


Serial vapist
yeah, try loding 1/2-2/3 full trenches as they do vape more evenly than a full one will. Getting the herb as fine as possible is very important too, since this vape seems to work mainly by conduction (rather than mainly convection like most non-portable vapes do). Try faster draws also maybe.

After 5 or so hits i usually dump the trench onto a folded piece of paper and then use the flat end of the battery to crush it up even finer, since this is much easier to do after it's been dried out by vaping it a bit. I bring my little brush with me so i can brush everything out and then brush it back in off the paper, cause it likes to stick a bit after you crush it. May sound like a pain, but ever since i started this not only do i get more full hits, my trenches also come out much more evenly vaped. They used to be mostly brown with a bit of green and every now a then a tiny bit of dark dark almost black brown. Now they come out looking like finely ground coffee beans.

Also, make sure you spank the LB pretty hard once you flip it over after your hit, herb likes to stick to the very bottom if you dont.


Well-Known Member
wow steiner666 thx! i will try that with the batch im vaping right now. you know, practice makes perfect ;)


Harry Mooseknuckle
And yes you do need to take the battery out between hits. I was in my office at a previous job and I left the battery in not paying attention and damn did my office reek. Oh well live and learn. The only design flaw with the lb is that it is mainly conduction based heat it's not like when you aren't taking a hit the heat dissipates it just keeps going so this is a lil bit of thought that needs to go into its use.


Serial vapist
Howie Feltersnatch said:
LOL @ "spanking" the LB!
lol yeah, tapping it just doesn't cut it sometimes, especially with a clean screen, you really gotta spank it!
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