First some pretext.
I have trouble sleeping and I've had it for a lot of years. My favorite way to go to bed (hence size-limit) is to smoke until my whole world is spinning and I'm close to a bad trip. This is what I want to achieve often or every time. To achieve this I need to take BIG hits, to take big hits I need a smooth scientific bong. These are the ones I'm considering and reason to why.
1) Dirty Rico Glass - Mini 8 to 12 Arm Apocoline Tube
* Only read good things about this and I've seen a lot of people recommend it over the 2xMatrix. Might not be as smooth as the matrix but seems to be more a general bong than just a flower bong.
2) Mobius 60 mm Stemless Bubbler with Stereo Matrix
* Seems to have the best diffusion of the ones listed but I've heard that it can be a bit airy (which makes it harder to take huge hits?). This one is a strong candidate as its supposed to be the smoothest here.
3) SYN Glass - Micro Thunderdome Tube - Rasta
* I have no info on this one, but it seems to be performing good. Smallest of the pieces.
X) Sovereignty - 60 mm G-Line to Imperial Perc
* SOV has been good pretty much all the way through, but I have no clue on how smooth this is. Another problem with SOV is that they rarely are available.
Right now I'm using my Bent Apache as my bed piece, only reason to why I'm getting rid of it is cause I would like a slightly more solid piece as my daily driver. I generally smoke hash and maybe like 10% of the time I got some concentrates. Apixdesign is not a option as I can't buy from him.
Any ideas or opinions are appreciated.
Best regards
I have trouble sleeping and I've had it for a lot of years. My favorite way to go to bed (hence size-limit) is to smoke until my whole world is spinning and I'm close to a bad trip. This is what I want to achieve often or every time. To achieve this I need to take BIG hits, to take big hits I need a smooth scientific bong. These are the ones I'm considering and reason to why.
1) Dirty Rico Glass - Mini 8 to 12 Arm Apocoline Tube
* Only read good things about this and I've seen a lot of people recommend it over the 2xMatrix. Might not be as smooth as the matrix but seems to be more a general bong than just a flower bong.
2) Mobius 60 mm Stemless Bubbler with Stereo Matrix
* Seems to have the best diffusion of the ones listed but I've heard that it can be a bit airy (which makes it harder to take huge hits?). This one is a strong candidate as its supposed to be the smoothest here.
3) SYN Glass - Micro Thunderdome Tube - Rasta
* I have no info on this one, but it seems to be performing good. Smallest of the pieces.
X) Sovereignty - 60 mm G-Line to Imperial Perc
* SOV has been good pretty much all the way through, but I have no clue on how smooth this is. Another problem with SOV is that they rarely are available.
Right now I'm using my Bent Apache as my bed piece, only reason to why I'm getting rid of it is cause I would like a slightly more solid piece as my daily driver. I generally smoke hash and maybe like 10% of the time I got some concentrates. Apixdesign is not a option as I can't buy from him.
Any ideas or opinions are appreciated.
Best regards