Compared to the nano? Not even close. The nano is a giant killer that is so efficient it gets me there and further than I need to be with less than half of what it takes just to have the VW work properly. The physics won't even let such a small load sit in the heat path of a box vape unless it is sitting up on it's short end (with a second screen to keep material from falling into the heater) or hanging on a wall with heat port facing down. Gravity would make a small load fall to the bottom of the wand - not across the screen as is necessary for optimal vaporizing.
EDIT: Sorry... looked under wrong username - sorry
@MysticVapor! User
@MysticVaper has a few posts in nano thread. Guess my search skills also suffer while vaked! Last post on March 22nd was another of joy about the nano.
Still confused about the 3 months.... On my calendar that's about 6 weeks. Eh, what good are facts anyway!
Hey man,
You're right. It wasnt 3 months, I obviously miscalculated a little in the heat of making my points. I believed I clarified earlier on in a post that my final conclusion is that the nano is a great vape. I personally envisioned something different that I think would work just a little better.
Hence, I ended up purchasing the Aromed 4.0 for $385. Received delivery about 2 weeks ago and been enjoying the heck out of it while serving my 2-week suspension on this forum.

Its engineering is exactly what I had in mind. It boasts a 1-inch diameter heating chamber. Heat source is a 50 watt halogen bulb which can be replaced at a $5 cost and lasts 1000 hours. Water filter built in for better taste. Highly-precise computerized temperature control. Truly all-glass air path with the exception of the 1-inch ss screen. This gives me two or three decent draws at a temperature of 450 f with barely a taste of popcorn even less combustion. This is of course after the kinda-fat 10 draws at lower temperatures.

0.2 grams gets me as medicated as I would ever dream to be. Bringing down my medication cost to about $250 a month versus $400 with previous vapes.
As to the ignorant who will laugh at my post, thinking that their herbalizer is better compared to my Aromed, I have prepared a speech in advance so as to hopefully prevent any ignorant or stupid responses to my post:
I know exactly what your criticism of the Aromed is going to be when compared to the herbalizer.
50 watt bulb on aro vs. 300 watt bulb on herba. I actually did my research about this before purchasing the aromed, as I was absolutely willing to pay $726 for the best vape out there. Turns out according to what i read, even though the light bulb on the herbalizer has a 300 watt resistance it never fires at anywhere near that power. The person (I will have to get back to you on references) writing the article, claims that the herbalizer fires at around 30 watts even at maximum temperatures. Those who understand the mathematical
equations of ohms and watts will understand this is a perfectly logical possiblity. I dont know how many watts the aromed fires while at top temperatures, but I can see that it could perfectly well function at 30W explaining why it is able to go from 378f to 405f in about 3 seconds. If anyone has any fact-based information regarding this issue, and can provide convincing-evidence to contradict any of my above-claims, I will be the first one to express my gratitude to you, for sharing valuable information with us.
This research came about as a result of a conversation I had with a sales-rep over at toronto vaporizers. He explained to me that they had stopped carrying the herbalizer several months ago. Their reason was that it did not meet the quality standards that their company (toronto vapes) required in order to continue selling it. I don't know whether or not the clerk's claim is correct, but this is what inspired me to research the issue further.
Your next criticism on the aromed would be that it takes 2 minutes to heat up to vaping-temperature when you first turn it on (I know the herbalizer is a lot faster). Here's the extent of my experience on that issue:
I don't mind waiting literally 2 minutes just at the beginning of session. I do like that the halogen bulb on my aro sits on top of the material as opposed to the bulb on the herbalizer which sits underneath the material. I can quicklly and easily remove the heater away from my material during breaks without having to worry about the fact that both heat and vapor rise by natural laws of physics, making it more likely that I might waste a bit of vapor on the herbalizer. I take at least 4-6 delicious draws at 378f, 3-4 at 410f and 2-3 at 450f.
My gut tells me I gotta be inhaling at least 89% of active compounds on my 0.2 gr of medicine.

This saves me money (main reason why I would invest more than $200 on any vaporizer). The aromed doesn't even work well if you load it with more than 0.2 gr at a time. For me, 0.2 gr of finely ground medicine sitting on top of a ss screen 1-inch in diameter, with a computer-controlled halogen light-bulb to heat it up, is about as close to medication-nirvana as I'm ever gonna get.
I guess I joined the club of yellow-brown vape-pooers and it feels great, I apologize for my past ignorant claims.

I must report I was a bit dissapointed at the epic-vape customer service. I know their website doesn't work well sometimes but I did write to Andy's email directly just about 2-weeks ago asking for a refund and explaining my dissatisfaction with nano, and surprisingly to me, I have yet to receive his response to my customer service request 2-weeks ago. I had anticipated at least a helpful communicative response from them, if nothing else.
I know many of you may perceive me as bashing on companies or specific products. And this might bother you. This could not be further from my truth. Sadly I have yet to receive any privilege or financial gains from any of my posts.

I do however have a set strong intention to share information/experience and receive feed-back in the most time-efficient fashion. I also use my posts to do a kind of review of all the vapes that I purchase. Yes I can be a very harsh critic and expect utmost excellency in customer service. I'm almost sure most vapers would understand why I would be upset if I spend $250 on a vaporizer and receive no customer service response. Funny paradox is, that precisely because I dont receive any financial gain from the vape-industry, and my budget is tight due to my un-employment, I get so upset if I dont receive top-quality and service from vaporizer purchases.
I actually sold the nano to my bro who happily and quickly jumped on it at a family discount. I think it's a great fit for him since his budget is not as tight as mine and it helped him quit combusting.
If I upset anyone's financial interests with my posts, maybe one of you rich-internet-marketing-moguls can pay a buck or two to hire un-employed potential forum writers to promote your products. If posts really do have any significant power over your business, which I doubt.
Meanwhile I'll pray that the world economy improves so I may improve my finances and maybe then I won't feel like I have to be so unresonably critical of vaporizer manufcaturers/promoters.