I'm up north if you ever want a Grasshopper demo
Nice sell job on the GH
. Makes me want one for no reason at all
I'm not the one selling the things

though I targeted your comment because I reckon you'd love one, but mainly I was just trying to clarify that the word on the street doesn't match my experience, or that of my two mates also with hoppers. People who solely rely on the GH and have them stop working are notoriously disgruntled, and it's even worse when a returned device fails sooner rather than later. I haven't had either happen to me, so it's overall been pretty cruisy. And I can say that regardless, the problems always get resolved (the company has a 100% track record for warranties). The main reason complaints crop up is because when it works it's like a dream and in its absence everything else is frustrating and combersome and ultimately complainers still want the hopper, but they know that it's not a buy once keep forever deal and they've already been stung (exacerbated by their initial reactions/situation).
My take on it is, if you can deal with the above and love vapour bongs then it's a great option. Near instant and complete extraction from a few tokes of 0.15g, massive clouds, rapid onset and awesome flavour. It ticks a lot of boxes, just not the durability or longevity ones, but with a lifetime warranty, cheap post from Aus and a back-up, I'm loving it and believe most would. I also only just got mine back so I'm freshly reminded of how good they can be after some weeks away with the EQ. I know you love your EQ too, I'd never actually sell mine tbh, but I'm telling you the GH bests it in some pretty meaningful ways. But definitely not on the durability DIY fix front! And I've said before that if Arizer had the same policies as HL, I would actually send it back for a heater realignment (especially if it was only 15.65 or whatver the hopper was). Service periods have kept my hoppers like new for the majority of my use of them, which isn't exactly a bad thing