Hello to all! First high on vape!


Cannabudz...you are deep man. You know way more about the goods than I do thats for sure. You may have to explain the ackronyms. I'm a newbie. Only the thrid day on vape. You guys have schooled me well so far. I've been looking into the Green Dragon thread for extra cirricular activities. Looks tasty.:p

Acolyte...Totally admirable that you want to keep your word. A person can always best proove themselves by actions...not by words. ;)

IMO: I don't realy believe in the practice of most conformed beliefs. The theories are all good, and have great anchors of morality. Unfortunately everything can become too big. Companies, religion, and polotics. Just keep your word, and try to be good to one another. Just makes the world a better place. Not because some one/thing says to do so, but because it's common sence.:2c:

Ahhh first high of the day...first ramble of the day.:D Love that vape. I think I'm being a bit too deep for this thread.:brow:

Thanks to all
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