Hell in a Handbasket - an experiment

Diggy Smalls

This thread started out as something interesting to me, then seems to have changed into a discussion that is mostly outside of my interest and understanding.
Pardon me for going back to the first page...
A nice solid EMP from a North Korean missile won't destroy the world--it will just kill the millions of U.S. citizens who get water from the tap and food from the store.

Which will result in the destruction of the world in retaliation.

Another existential problem?

But, on a more serious note:
EMP like you're talking about comes from nuclear explosions. Do you think an enemy will try to donate a nuclear weapons miles above the ground and hope the untested EMP effect is more deadly than a direct nuclear attack?

I have never wanted children of my own. I have always viewed it as foolish for me to bring children into the world when there are so many children already without families.

Imagine our world if we didn't perceive pollution as a threat and continued marching on. We have taken a lot of steps to reduce our impact on the environment in many ways and it has had an impact. Look up pictures of smog in us cities during the 70s, and one can easily extrapolate that it would have gotten worse not better without some intervention. So to me, the idea that scientists keep spelling doom but we're still here is very narrow sighted.
Yes, there is no way to definitively predict what will happen should we not adjust course, and it's not likely to be as bad as the worst estimates, but it doesn't change the fact that the Earth is overpopulating with humans and crowding other life forms from their habitats to make more room for us and all of our resource intensive food.

I'm not going to look down my nose at others for having children, but to me it seems foolish even before I consider my horrible genetics. I contribute positively to society by educating young children while their minds are highly pliable and open to the wonders of the world. In this sense I have a multitude of children.
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