Heavy metal chelation


formerly stephenking
Chelation therapy is the administration of chelating agents to remove heavy metals from the body. Most doctors now accept that heavy metals are harmful. There are pharmaceutical and natural methods of chelation.

EDTA is the main chemical method, usually IV administered. This also removes beneficial minerals and metals from your body.

I'm interested in the natural methods, like Zeolite clays and Fulvic/Humic Acids. These methods have been used successfully to remove radiation and heavy metals from humans and other animals. Not everything has been tested, but so far zeolites have not been found to remove anything beneficial. Fulvic/humic acids are found with macro and trace minerals as well, including trace amounts of the things people try to avoid like lead, mercury, aluminum, and natural fluoride. Fulvic and Humic acids should be able to remove these from your body if they are not needed, but can anyone comment on this? People do need trace amounts of aluminum etc.
According to U.S. Senate Study Document Number 264, due to agricultural topsoil depletion, 99 percent of Americans are deficient in minerals and trace elements due to food crop topsoil depletion. No big surprise maybe, except this study was reported in 1936! Since then, there have been USA and UK studies that have shown disturbing decreases in the mineral contents of foods from the soil over the past 50 years.
For centuries, Silajit was used basically to rejuvenate energy and bring about outstanding well being. The name itself is Sanskrit for "conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weakness". It's healing properties for a wide spectrum of ailments and diseases were discovered over time in India, mostly by Ayurvedic doctors. Since the principle active ingredient of Silajit is fulvic acid, the terms Silajit and fulvic acid are virtually synonymous.

More recently, the west has been "discovering" fulvic acid's potential and properties. Fulvic acid has proven to be an extremely powerful organic electrolyte, which balances cell life. This can literally bring life back to dying or disintegrating cells. Fulvic acid has a natural way of chelating heavy metals, turning them into absorbable bio-available forms that allow their removal.

Fulvic acid complexes have the ability to react one with another or with cells to synthesize new mineral compounds. So it enhances mineral absorption even while providing more than what you're taking in. It has detoxifying capabilities of some of the very pesticides used in conventional farming, just in case you have to go there now and then.

Fulvic acid increases the activity of enzymes, especially those associated with the respiratory system. It also metabolizes protein. These are determinations of researchers in the west.

There are many documented anecdotal successes as well. As with Shilajit, it rejuvenates all energy levels and libido; it has anti-aging qualities, and it has even helped many overcome depression. It has been used successfully to overcome nervous disorders and mental fatigue.

Even Big Pharma is jumping on the bandwagon, testing synthetic fulvic/humic acids for topical conditions like acne.

Zeolites useful for removing radiation from the body

How can victims of radiation detox from this insidious insult? The answer lies in the use of natural zeolites, a class of natural minerals from volcanic ash that can help the body get rid of heavy metals and detox radiation sickness, even up to uranium 238! Containing a unique, negatively charged, crystalline structure, the zeolite captures these dangerous elements from the body into a molecular cage that the body excretes. Simple and safe to take, zeolite can be taken in liquid with little to no taste and requires little more than a few drops on the tongue at a time. No dangerous drugs. No painful shots. No hard to swallow pills. No nasty tasting drinks. No risk of unpleasant or dangerous side effects.

Using zeolites to clean up radioactive compounds is not new. At the Hanford Nuclear Facility in Richland, Washington, radioactive strontium-90 (Sr 90 ) and cesium-137 (Cs 137 ) have been removed from radioactive waste solutions by passing them through tanks packed with the natural zeolite clinoptilolite. Zeolites have also been used to clean radioactive wastes from the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant site and elsewhere (http://www.chemistryexplained.com/Va-Z/Zeolites.html).

And zeolite's uses extend far beyond cleaning up radioactive waste. They are used in crops and pastures for higher yield by making fertilizers more effective and for long term soil improvements. They decrease ammonia levels in ponds and tanks and filtrate water for cleaner tanks by soaking up sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ), a pollutant produced by burning high-sulfur coal. Coming from waste toxic gases, sulfur dioxide is the major cause of acid rain. In fact, zeolites are the most effective filters yet found for absorbing sulfur dioxide from waste gases and are helping to clean the air of gases coming from energy plants which burn high-sulfur fossil fuel at the Ohio River Valley and other regions, as well as for purifying the air in mines.

For years, zeolites have been used to detox animal waste, and even deodorize litter boxes, and as a water softener to remove calcium. They are also used in hydrogenating vegetable oils. Moreover, recent uses of liquid zeolite to detox heavy metals from the body have been shown to alleviate Candida Albicans, to help alkalize the body and to reduce viruses, bacteria and other pathogens from the system making it an effective immune system booster.

Different Zeolites have affinities for different things. I've tried Clinoptilolite and Fulvic/humic acids, both from only one source. Clinoptilolite is supposed to have a high affinity for ammonia, which I am probably quite exposed to living near commercial farming operations. Clinoptilolite immediately makes me more clear-headed. Fulvic/humic acids seem to give me more energy.


I think you will find MCP to suit your needs. (Modified Citrus Pectin) There are lots of companies and pharma trying to jump on this bandwagon also but it is still fairly early in its cycle. The only reputable sources are from a trusted NAturopathic Doc or a Company in Utah also makes a treatment that requires only oral consumption, no doctors visits, and if i remember correctly, doesnt remove beneficial elements, only harmful ones.


formerly stephenking
Trials and studies revealed that orally administered MCP supplements significantly increase urinary excretion of toxic metals present in the body.[15][16][17] It is some times used as a safer and gentler form of Chelation therapy, which is a chemical process where a substance is used to bind molecules and hold them tightly so that they can be excreted from the body. Chelation is commonly used to treat lead and mercury poisoning.[18][19] In most instances, chelation therapy involves the infusion of compounds via a catheter placed in an arm vein and usually in a clinical setting. In contrast, chelation therapy using MCP can be done anywhere via the use of oral supplements.[2]
No reports of adverse events have been published in the literature or found in a search of voluntary reports of adverse events to the USDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. Although modified citrus pectin is more easily digested than natural citrus pectin, individuals with allergies or sensitivities to citrus may experience stomach discomfort when taking either type of citrus pectin.[3]

Another food that has been shown to chelate heavy metals is Chlorella, a green algae.


I've experienced and heard great benefits from algae greens/blues.
To my knowledge, algae is great everyday.
While MCP is milder than chelation treatments, its still extremely effective, and a cycle every 3 months or so should be more than enough to maintain a healthy body. (plus, i think chelation treatments in hospitals go for several thousands of dollars. while mcp you can find for around $50... IMPORTANT: Quality is key, price does not always give the full story, best to know what method they used to create the MCP.)


Well-Known Member
How do expect zeolite or other clays to chelate anything other than in your digestive system?
EDTA works because it is injected in your bloodstream...


formerly stephenking
How do expect zeolite or other clays to chelate anything other than in your digestive system?
EDTA works because it is injected in your bloodstream...
Virtually all the studies done on Zeolite and Chlorella have used slightly modified products. Zeolites have been nano reduced to 4-6 microns (the size of a red blood cell) in particle size. Chlorella has to have its cell walls broken by some kind of processing because the cell wall is too thick to digest.

While I aim to avoid nano particles in general, it makes sense for Zeolites. The safety concerns with nano particles are about particles < 5 microns.

The natural solutions I'm aware of aren't as effective as EDTA. They have been shown to remove some things very well, and aren't known to remove anything beneficial.
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