I went to that link, registered, but all I got was your home page. Is there another way to get to the rankings or has it just not been created yet?
Dual bowl for the soul.
Dual bowl for the soul, that's how we roll.
Simply AmHAZEing.
The Haze, clearly the best.
Nothing hazy about it.
Have you Hazed today?
Have you had your Haze today?
Taco, taco, burrito burrito.
Go down in a Haze of glory.
The way of the Haze.
The Haze will amaze.
Two bowls of goodness. Pack more, Haze more.
Thanks!! Used the board as reference many times, long overdue becoming an official member! Glad to be here!"Haze- It's a duality thing"
Welcome to FC!!!