I guess if I were you, I'd do what it takes to quit it completely. It seems like any use is going to ultimately make you feel worse than if you hadn't. Just sayin'...and if it were me. And you've made it pretty clear that you have a problem. Aknowledging it is the biggest barrier. Now that you've made over that see it through.
Thanks for your advice, I do appreciate your viewpoint. I'm not sure why you think that
any use will make me feel worse. How about I first start by not vaping from morning to night for months on end? I don't think I have a problem at all. My doctor told me to not go into withdrawal by keeping the cannabinoids in my blood evelated constantly....this was bad advice for me IMO. Furthermore, a specialist said to never quit cold turkey, but to gradually decrease over the course of 2 months. Since this didn't work for me before, I decided to go at it harder, and quit cold turkey. Just the fact that I can do that should tell you that I don't have a problem? This is the rough time taking a break thread - and i'm doing just that - having a rough time taking a break. I feel like a freak show here, when just a simple google search can tell you that insomnia and night sweats are the two biggest withdrawal symtoms that can last a really, really long time. If you frequented some of the other forums on quitting cannabis, you will quickly see that effects can last several months, and even up to two years believe it or not. These are real people, not mental cases.
Go see an MD who specializes in addiction psych. and do what you need to do to get over this. My brother did follow this advice but it's a process, not a one time only deal. He didn't put the time and effort into it and ultimately dropped out life largely over it.
I am so sorry about your brother...my god, I really am. I've had very close friends and coworkers (very recently) do this and in my job I see it more often than I care to remember. I have seen the MD that specializes.... I have no problem quitting....my will power is stronger than anyone i've ever met. I have not tried to quit over the past 6 months, or probably longer, because like many of you here - I had no reason to. Pretty easy to say things, without actually putting them into practice. I decided to quit for a temporary cleanse/detox, and I did just that. Now I suffer the withdrawal effects as do a huge percentage of users who decided to stop completely. I have no cravings, urges, etc. I just look forward to sleeping an entire night, with REM and dreams. I will come back. It has before, I have gone through this more than once. I'm not concerned, I just that the point of this thread was to help get people like me through it. I obviously talk too much, and it's not appreciated, so this will be my last post and update here.
Also, hanging around here with a bunch of users who aren't struggling with it is a bit like talking about alcoholim to a bunch of wine lovers. It's probably not best place for someone with a self-aknowleged issue to get the kind of support that they need,..
I thought that was the point of this thread. FC is a very diverse, I guess I made a mistake. I understand your point, but I don't have ANY temptation, or urges, or addiction psychologically. This is purely physical withdrawal due to physical dependence, I think you may be misconstrued.
@RUDE BOY I didn't know about your issues, I am sorry to hear. I'm constantly experimenting and tweaking, but it sounds like we follow the same diet which totally stokes me. I get most of my fat from full fat heavy whipping cream (35%), which is just incredible in coffee, I also add butter and love bulletproof coffee, lots of coconut oil, and do you take MCT oil? Super awesome ketones that are like rocket fuel for your brain! Add to take the usual avocado, certain nuts, fatty meat like bacon, and peanut and almond butters (not the greatest due to omega 6 but whatever). Anyways, I thought you hated me due to some history in other threads but please feel free to PM me if you ever wanna chat, because it's nice to have diet in common, and training ofcourse. This protocal has made me shredded, seriously 8 pack abs for the first time in my life at age 39. I never thought it would be possible...i'm also stronger than I ever have been, and can bench about 30 lbs more than my body weight. I'm really liking carb backloading, and cheating a bit like you said... I don't think a PURELY Ketogenic diet is all that healthy over the LONG TERM, unless you do it like the Eskimos and eat alot of organ meats. I do implement organic grass fed dessicated liver tablets from new zealand.
If anyone else wants to keep on top of my storey, please feel free to PM me. I really do enjoy the conversations with those that have, and i'm always more than happy to help.
Cheers everyone!