Have you named your vaporizer?


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
As I read through various threads, I see many have named their vapes. Some very creatively or entertaining!

So I thought, why lose those names to the depths of threads they will eventually be buried in... and so a thread was born...

Though I've not named mine, let's hear yours...:cool:

Format: Vape Model, Name, and some words explaining why...‎


Authorized Buyer
EpicVape E-Nano. I call it The Toy. All the other vapes I call The Toy also, so it can get confusing.

I can't use a more personal name without feeling like....



Baked & Fried
I don't like to name 'things' in general.. First they get names and all seems well, but then before you know it they become self aware and start making their own plans, and power tripping on each other! :doh: :lol:

The only thing I have a name for is the S3, and it's only because it demands it! :goon: I call it my Thor Hammer! That vape was born w/ an ego, it's not like the others, it would be cruel not to name it :bowdown: :ko:


Well-Known Member
I haven't named my vaporizers, but I do my best not to judge those that do.

Except for those of you that give your vaporizers female names and spend all your time making creepy references to them as though they're actual ladies. That's weird and I judge you. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
In my younger days I would often name my glass. Since moving to vapes the names kinda just keep the manufacturer name.

My under dog is simply the dogg
The vapman is the vapman
The haze is the haze
The milaana might adopt a name just hasn't come out. With its rustic look I feel like a good western name seems appropriate!

When I owned the pinnacle pro it was Darth Vapor.

I think those who own zions have many names hopefully they bring them over to share!!



Annoying Libertarian
Blue Flowermate V5.0S is Optimus Prime. Not the strongest, not the best, but stalwart and never surrenders.

Cloud Evo with purple rubber bands and a decepticon logo on the hydratube is Trypticon. Biggest, strongest Decepticon (he's a city or a space station in his alt modes).

I have been obsessed with Transformers since I was a kid, and have a tattoo of my skin ripping off showing hydraulic parts with the Autobot logo. Vapes are 'More than Meets the Eye.'


Melting Pot

Sick & Twisted
Maybe just by effects.
Like I'm gonna bust out smash face (sv3) or do you want to use the annialater (versa)
I just feel like sipping(logs)(vapman)

But for @jim-bob Ive been riding amber a little hard this morning(Errlectric) she's gonna need a break.hey there sasha feeling a little lonely evic/cerum i now I've been spending alot of time with amber want to take a walk to the park.
It'll be fun ill take you on the swings.
Lets just make up


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
Hmmm, I step away from the keyboard for a bit and that's when stuff gets GOOD!

First they get names and all seems well, but then before you know it they become self aware and start making their own plans, and power tripping on each other! :doh: :lol:
This was great! I love a bit of humor and this was a great post!!!!

The only thing I have a name for is the S3, and it's only because it demands it! :goon: I call it my Thor Hammer! That vape was born w/ an ego, it's not like the others, it would be cruel not to name it :bowdown: :ko:
Here's to Thor's Hammer! Great story behind the name!

Anyone get this?
I did, but am not gonna post any spoilers... PM me if you must, twist my arm, but you'll not get me to "spill"!

I do call the EQ my weedeater.
Oh, and she can be! That's for certain!

Except for those of you that give your vaporizers female names and spend all your time making creepy references to them as though they're actual ladies. That's weird and I judge you. :shrug:
More humor! Love it!
My under dog is simply the dogg
The vapman is the vapman
The haze is the haze
The milaana might adopt a name just hasn't come out. With its rustic look I feel like a good western name seems appropriate!
I like the naming scheme... thinking on a western name for a Milaana... hmmm ....
Blue Flowermate V5.0S is Optimus Prime. Not the strongest, not the best, but stalwart and never surrenders.

Cloud Evo with purple rubber bands and a decepticon logo on the hydratube is Trypticon. Biggest, strongest Decepticon (he's a city or a space station in his alt modes).

I have been obsessed with Transformers since I was a kid, and have a tattoo of my skin ripping off showing hydraulic parts with the Autobot logo. Vapes are 'More than Meets the Eye.'

Transformer fan as well! Those kind of tats are awesome!

But for @jim-bob Ive been riding amber a little hard this morning(Errlectric) she's gonna need a break.hey there sasha feeling a little lonely evic/cerum i now I've been spending alot of time with amber want to take a walk to the park.
It'll be fun ill take you on the swings.
Lets just make up
Funny as shit in a gross sort of way! DDave gives this two :tup::tup:

And finally, it's been long time and a quick rap!

If getting vaked was a sport I'd be an all-star
Catch me at the bar raisin' the bar with another ash catching side car
Sour Diesel out the jar, Kush stuffed in the middle of my cigar
As I roll a joint on the road, dogs chasing my car
So Drivin' like I'm leading NASCAR

Love playing video games lit
Like I'm in to win it, when on the water bong
I'll hit it till your finished, Just bring some weed
And the need, I got a ounce of fresh shit
I'm a professional man loadin vapes, never tired
I'm like the Donald Trump of vaping and homie your fired
Stayin' higher than the competition call me your sire
I'll be Ddave on FC, til' I'm dead and expired
Never retire, never say die, never slow down
As long as I'm breathin' I'll be vapin' the crown and repping my town
Modding 'till I'm six in the ground
Let's get some new vapes and some pounds
And do some fuckin' more rounds!!!


I named each and every one of my CRZs (Ceramic RockZap) by AromaZap.

Mabel (Mine!)






Jane (Black Locust- fluoresces under blacklight)

Janis (For Janis Joplin)... this unit went to a 6 year old patient that had Renal Cancer.
"RJ" is gone now, but one of my most important patients.


Annie (She is Oak... Annie Oakly)

Loretta ( For Loretta Young who exhibited grace and style)

Chantal (A "song") She was named this because it flows with the word "Chatoyence".. and as
You can see she is filled with the glow. Chatoyence means the glow of
a cat's eye.

Marylin ( or Marilyn Monroe if you look , it needs no explanation)

Angel (Oak)

Cherry (Cherry)

Rita (after Rita Hayworth – redwood)


Jasmine (Black Locust.. also the smallest RockZap made to date!)


Athena (Poplar)

Natasha (White Alder)
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Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
I named each and every one of my AromaZaps.

Mabel (Mine!)






Jane (Black Locust- fluoresces under blacklight)







Angel (Oak)

Cherry (Cherry)

Rita (after Rita Hayworth – redwood)


Jasmine (Black Locust.. also the smallest RockZap made to date!)


Athena (Poplar)

Natasha (White Alder)

Wow, I'm a bit at awe!

I also have a confession. I have a crush on Chantal. Actually, this may have bloomed into Love! She's beautiful!

However, rather than challenge you to a duel, as I'd probably get KO'd in the first round, I'll just be a creep and admire in a lurking sort of way from a distance!

Thanks for sharing that collection!

To FC, anyone else have a collection to rival Vito's? :rockon:


I had two more... they did not allow more than 20 images on a post:


Fantasia (Poplar)

Vivian (Myrtle – after “Ethel Mertz” a Vivian Vance character.. see her shape!)

I had other non-Zap vapes with nicknames ... and I call them by those names.
I will have to look at pictures of my room before the raid, to get my memory working.

I have also ( still M.I.A. from Raid....)
7 old school Zaps with names.

Raven, my 1st Walnut.
Kushin' was my first Culry blond MyrtleZap
You can see the old school Zaps in the image behind the Rockzaps at

My 2 original Zaps with custom stem holders, and added wooden goodies circa early 2011:

Add some Ed's stems....

Then I got a 3rd:

Raven, Curly Kushin' and Wally in competition:

added one More ....

Old School Zap ass shot.... as I added one more!!

I added two more....
Nurse Myrtz and Leah:

"Nurse Myrtz", was the very first Old school Zap (made of Myrtle)made with Stainless Steel heat core, but fit the brass stems.
And that brings the Old School Zap tale to its end, as the Ceramic RockZaps began.
I was the luckiest guy on Earth to receive for testing the first RockZap......
I knew what was in this package already, and my fingers were itching to open it

“Hey Jacob… Daddy’s got a new way to medicate!”

and finally....
please see her in action!
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Uhhhh........Hey Vit, I know that the mods here are pretty lenient but you may be pushing the envelope a bit here, eh? :uhoh:
Whatever you are thinking.... get your mind out of the gutter!
It's not like that.... honest!!!
Do you think I would actually own a vaporizer styled after a fire hydrant??
Look again, please.
You will see that she was designed to resemble a perfectly innocent penis.


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
Uhhhh........Hey Vit, I know that the mods here are pretty lenient but you may be pushing the envelope a bit here, eh? :uhoh:
I step away for one second and miss all the fun again!

Don't blame @lwien n for this, my comment was going to be that "most pr0n I've seen usually ends on this note!!!". Hahahaha!‎

And @Vitolo , seriously nice hat there! My favorite style and you wear it well!

@the rest of you dirty minded vapists, the hat I was referring to was the one in the video, not the one in the picture that caught lwien's attention.

I knew this would be a fun thread!‎


...Ethel Mertz....haven't head that in a long time...Fred and Ethel...thanks Vitolo ..
She was named Vivian, for when Vivian Vance was playing the role of Ethyl Mertz, her body had a very similar form to that unit.
About that hat...
It was my Uncle's hat.
Read about it here....
I wore this hat for an adult lifetime, then when it became very worn...in honor of my Uncle, I brought this hat to the virtual world of Second Life (in a sculpted 3d form).

Someone... a collector wrote to me on Facebook, and asked about the Hat itself, so I told him the actual story of the hat's trip from Italy in the early 1900s and where it had been since then.
I sent him to youtube to see "Mabel retro RockZap"
He wanted to buy my hat and asked how much I would accept.
That hat would have sat in the closet... and when I died it would go to some thrift store... or wind up in some costume shop.
If this guy paid well for it, I would be guaranteed that he would frame the letter I sent with images of my Uncle's travels ... and mine.
The hat would live in an exalted spot, and would be seen by this collector's eclectic friends.... who would envy the man for he was the one to own Uncle Ezio's Fedora.
I am not a greedy man.. but it had to be enough cash to insure that the hat would be respected.
I sent him the hat for $200, which he paid happily.
Now my Uncles hat will live in a museum atmosphere forever.....
and on Youtube... on my head!




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