Has anyone tried Transdermal Patches?


Well-Known Member
It states that it goes directly into the bloodstream so I am wondering if the effects are more like vaping than edibles? My thinking is that if it isn't being processed through the liver then it should be more like vaping/smoking right?
Anyone with experience here?


Space is the Place
If it goes directly into your bloodstream like they say I believe it must be processed by your liver like anything else, once it's in your blood it's filtered by your liver 'cause that's what it's there for.


Extraction Technician
I gave them a shot, I haven't used one in a long time and don't plan to get more for myself going forwards. They're a little bit expensive for the medication delivered, IMHO, but they have very real benefits for certain people that need a long extended release mild dosing.


I found the effects of most versions I tried to be mild, relaxing, but not tiring; some of the blends were nice, that i took during a flare up of some shoulder and back pain, because as soon as I lay down I was asleep when my head hit the pillow instead of rolling around for a few minutes. Don't know if that was direct causation but even after vaping before bed I wouldn't have the same physical relaxation as the patches provided me. For me that means more like a medible compared to vaping's effects.
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Transdermal cannabinoids ?

If it goes directly into your bloodstream like they say I believe it must be processed by your liver like anything else, once it's in your blood it's filtered by your liver 'cause that's what it's there for.
Hmm, maybe I misunderstood how edibles work vs vaping/smoking. I thought the vape put it directly into the blood stream via the lungs and that edibles were digested and then processed by the liver converting the thc into 11-hydroxy-THC.

I gave them a shot, I haven't used one in a long time and don't plan to get more for myself going forwards. They're a little bit expensive for the medication delivered, IMHO, but they have very real benefits for certain people that need a long extended release mild dosing.


I found the effects of most versions I tried to be mild, relaxing, but not tiring; some of the blends were nice, that i took during a flare up of some shoulder and back pain, because as soon as I lay down I was asleep when my head hit the pillow instead of rolling around for a few minutes. Don't know if that was direct causation but even after vaping before bed I wouldn't have the same physical relaxation as the patches provided me. For me that means more like a medible compared to vaping's effects.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm looking at going on a trip soon and vaping will be impractical but my experience with edibles in the past has not been favorable so I am looking at alternatives.
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Well-Known Member
What most don't know is they can cut them into smaller doses you buy one at 25% THC cut into 4 will give you 4 days with a constant 6.25 % THC level. for only 20 dollars lol.:rofl:
(96 hour high)

Which means when you do vape you vape a whole less to feel the effects.:leaf:
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