The Woodscents (or any other log) will be ergonomically superior to the Plenty. Its not to say the Plenty is hard to use but its bit bigger. But to answer your question directly, the WS is typically used one-handed but as
@LesPlenty pointed out, it can be used easily without hands if connected to water piece via WPA. I do this with mine often.
I wanted to share to not only show the easy no-hands use but also that logs can produce clouds. I feel like everyone should have a log. If the WS isn't within budget, consider an Enano or Underdog. Both offer vapes starting at lower price points.
Keep in mind that the Plenty either needs quite a bit of herb to work well or you will need the reducer plus capsules. I don't feel like capsules work as well in the Plenty but YMMV. Additionally, the Plenty is not very efficient while the WS is very very efficient. I micro dose with mine and it works very well for that purpose. Great flavor out of a log too especially if you use glass.
If you're stuck between the WS and the Plenty, I think you should consider an EVO. It is extremely efficient and can handle larger loads or very small ones. It can also handle concentrates better than either the WS or Plenty. I usually hook mine up to a whip or a water piece (dry).