Setting the bulb into a kind of closed ss core, into the outer sleeve so that it's not directly in the airpath but rather heating up the metal, which in turn heats up the air, would also be an interesting appoach. Especially for a higher powered heater.
This sounds like a pipe bomb, it is brought up to attention that halogen capsules are only to be used in open luminaries

and i dont see that contributing to the purity of airpath,exchanging some glass for more metal.

Man last night i got so many crazy ideas about different vapes,that i had to write them down..Also an order of CUSTOM 316fuckingL cups arrived.. NOW i realize how shitty is the metal used in the arizer cup screens.. it is 304 at best, and it starts to crumble/tear apart after few torch cleanings. The 316L taste so much better and looks so much shinier

),I got different diameter 15mm 16mm and 17mm(which sadly is a bit big to go trough a 18mm female but will be used in other adjust a bowl system

).. ) The 15mm and the 16mm fit perfectly the 18mm male,i like 15 better ,it is also a perfect fit for a dynavap tip, i will post some photos later .
As mentioned i have other ideas but i plan to go to the end with the halo-log project and its variations.
1.Adapter Halo-log male end
2.Adapter Halo-log female end
3.Single glass joint male 19mm
4.Single glass joint female 19mm
5.Single glass joint female 14mm
Next is going to be the Halo-wand ,which is would have its few variation.
After that crazy ideas might come to fruition ,i have a concentrate vape idea,a cool 510 heater in the vain of the Project,a another XLR glass ball vape idea inspired from the Glass Symphony and also probably a 18mm take on the GS itself.. ,also i got ideas for vapes with CUSTOM made resistors from 316L and glass/ceramic...,will be trying seriously to get rid of the nichrome .
Looks like i will be having fun this year

).. never thought DIY is so satisfying.