Got the new High Five LCD e-nail and it will not automatically heat up


Hello all, I am a very disappointed recipient of the newest High Five LCD e-nail. It looks cool, and I like the display on it, but it's a total piece of shit compared to my vintage model.

In High Five's idiotic infinite wisdom, they've cripped the ability to have the unit automatically heat up when it powers on. So for example, when I am a few blocks away from home, I like to turn my e-nail on via smart plug before I'm even in the front door so when I get there, it's already heated for me.

Can no longer do that with High Five units. They now seem to require you to physically walk up to the controller and push a stupid button on the front.

I've emailed their support asking for more information on what's going on and how to re-enable the legacy mode, and did not even receive a courtesy response.

This company has gone to absolute shit, let this be a warning for anyone considering High Five

PS - it's completely omitted from the manual as well
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