going to buy a used volcano, what should i look for?

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Well-Known Member
I am going to purchase a used volcano. I wanted to know what i should be looking for.
is there a manufacture date to find out how old the unit is?
is there a way to differ the versions, ie. the 2005,2006 2007 model?
is there some way of testing it out to make sure it is still working up to par?
has anyone with a volcano had to send it in for repair or is there anything that might 'break' or ware out?


Glass Blower
an other vap :rolleyes: ......:lol: just kidding , I'm sure someone here will be able to help you ....cause I cant I dont own one . anyway welcome on fuckcombustion madman420 !


Well-Known Member
Are you very familiar with vaporizers, or are you buying your first one?

Downsides of bags is cleaning (or replacing) them, and vapor that has been sitting in the bag for too long can lose its taste and a lot of its potency.

Volcano is definitely a great product, just that it is the opinion of many here that it is not worth the high cost [which is why I presume you're looking for a used one?].

Just checking in case, disregard me if you're already way ahead of me in vaporizer familiarity.


Out to lunch
Why don't you ask the manufacturer? At least the age/version questions. info@storz-bickel.com. They do answer emails.

is there some way of testing it out to make sure it is still working up to par?
Only if you buy locally and the seller agrees to let you try it. You may get a 7 to 30 day return opportunity on an online sale.

has anyone with a volcano had to send it in for repair or is there anything that might 'break' or ware out?
It's a very reliable vape, but of course there have been units that have quit working. There should be no parts that will wear out, at least not for many years.

I don't know what you plan to pay for a used 'cano, but if I were you I'd check here before buying- http://volcanovaporizerdirect.com/ (click on Special Offer). This dealer is is as good as they get, and you may find his 'special pricing' worth consideration, since it includes the 3 yr. warranty.

Edit: link fixed.


Well-Known Member
that link did not work?
thanks for the advice.
i will email storz-bickel

and yes i have looking for a vap for about 4 years. just could never decide on one.
for a while i wanted a ssv or da buddha, then my friend brought over a 'cano, and it changed my world. i have used whip style, and i really like the bag aspect. but i also have to think about the medical tests done with the 'cano that say there is no by product produced from the 'cano itself. unfortunately the silver or Buddha have not been tested as to what is "vaping/burning" by product from the heating element or any other part of it. I know it sounds crazy, but if i am vaping for my health i want the safest equipment.


lurking kiwi
Your eye for safety is gonna hit you in the back pocket mate. Just coz the other vapes haven't been tested doesn't mean they arnt as safe as a cano.

SO for the 4 years you have been 'looking' have you been smoking all that time? Seems to me you could have spent a couple of hundy while you 'decided' and got a DBV, SSV, Vaporcannon, Vaporbrothers or whatever and had 4 years of extra health while you mulled over paying $300 plus for a second hand cano :rolleyes:

Sorry, I don't mean to come across as aggressive its just I find your 2nd post perplexing

madman420 said:
I know it sounds crazy
Yip it does! Spend $150 on a PD - clean vapor path, no toxins, perfect vapor temp - no burning ... its all been said before. The PD may not have been tested in a German lab but its health benefits equal that of a cano.



Well-Known Member
ya i like the PD and living in Oregon it is nice to buy local, i would like to test it out first.
but how does it work with more then 2 people is it a hassle to teach people how to use it ect. the 'cano has an easy learning curve. i also have used ceramic heat guns to bongs. but still like the ease of use the cano offers.


vapor junkie
Staff member
If you know for sure you only want bag capability, a used Volcano may be your best bet, but writing off any vape that wasn't tested by the university of Leiden is pretty laughable. Yes, there are some potentially unsafe units out there (Chinese imports mainly), you won't see them recommended here.

I am going to purchase a used volcano. I wanted to know what i should be looking for.
I'd be inclined to take a look inside. This is not a knock against the 'cano, but used is used and the interior is hidden. You're concerned about that sort of stuff right. :)

ya i like the PD and living in Oregon it is nice to buy local, i would like to test it out first. but how does it work with more then 2 people is it a hassle to teach people how to use it ect.
Great and no. Tons of info on the PD here, look around if you're interested.


Well-Known Member
I would recommend at looking at all the bags vapes in your price range and decide on that alone. Keep in mind the warranty aspect if that is important to you as used is used and the quality of the mainstream vapes on the market is widely accepted as very safe.

If I was looking at a bag option I would consider the Extreme, Herbal Air and of course the Volcano.

I would say about the PD if you loaded the stems before hand you could keep good a rotation going with the pd by having several stems lined up, full and ready and perhaps refilling as they get used but I only surmise that.

Good luck in your vape selection!


Out to lunch
that link did not work?
No, it didn't. Looks like you can't start at the 'special offer' page. Link corrected.

i also have to think about the medical tests done with the 'cano that say there is no by product produced from the 'cano itself.
The sky high Volcano price is the reason they can afford to have the unit tested. The 'cano has no advanced technology that makes it safer than other good name brands.

ya i like the PD and living in Oregon it is nice to buy local, i would like to test it out first.
You can't test drive a vape unless you know a head shop with demo units. Even then, you're not going to be able to test mj. And to try the PD, you'd have to visit Tom. ;)

how does it work with more then 2 people is it a hassle to teach people how to use it?
I think it's an easy vape to learn. Is 'easy to use' group vaping your priority?

the 'cano has an easy learning curve.
The 'cano has no learning curve at all, as far as using it. The cleaning process has the learning curve.

Nothing wrong with choosing the Volcano, but picking it for safety over the competition is just falling for S & B marketing.


vapor junkie
Staff member
The sky high Volcano price is the reason they can afford to have the unit tested.
And iirc, what prompted them to have it tested were increasing rumors that the the Volcano was unsafe because its aluminum heating block was offgassing deadly poisons. ;)


Weapon Enthusiast
Well i just recently bought a volcano, if you buy the solid valve i would make sure that the filling chamber insert still has plenty of friction when sliding down and up. Thats about it.. try and get an official receipt ( wait and get a used one off of ebay ) then you can use your paypal receipt to give to storz and bickel incase their is ever a problem.

I was able to get a brand new volcano off of ebay for 350$, keep in mind that i had to pay 540 upfront but am waiting to get a 160$ paypal rebate.


Well-Known Member
the only other one that i liked of the major brand ones was the silver surfer.
but i am still leaning to the 'cano
and yes group would be important, most of the time it will be me and my gf, the other time it will be 3-6 of us.
thanks for the help


Vapor concierge
I love the versatility of the Extreme for groups. There simply is no other vape out there that has as many different delivery methods, which makes it easy to be all things to all vapers.


above the clouds
madman420 said:
the only other one that i liked of the major brand ones was the silver surfer.
but i am still leaning to the 'cano
and yes group would be important, most of the time it will be me and my gf, the other time it will be 3-6 of us.
thanks for the help
ok....you want a used Volcano...let us know if you get the right one.... there are plenty on the net but who know how they are used?

Volcano South

Well-Known Member
I wish more people here liked the Volcano.

I see so many posts where people are being 'friendly' yet slamming the Volcano at the same time.

I would fully put my recommendation into a Volcano, especially after the 10' bag the other night.

Plus, and I know this is NOT a selling factor, but for people who doesn't know vapes (i.e. your friends) the Volcano makes you a party superstar and instantly transforms you into the coolest guy in the room.
Volcano South,

Volcano South

Well-Known Member
vtac said:
The sky high Volcano price is the reason they can afford to have the unit tested.
And iirc, what prompted them to have it tested were increasing rumors that the the Volcano was unsafe because its aluminum heating block was offgassing deadly poisons. ;)
Sounds like money well invested by S&B, to prove them wrong. I wish some of these other vaporizer makers had the funds to do the same. Sadly, until they do -- no matter how much 'better' they are than the Volcano, you've got people like the OP who can clearly look at the Volcano tests but they cannot look at DBV or SSV or anyone elses tests because they don't exist.

I'm not saying that the Volcano is the end all, but when it comes to qualitative and defined research, only the Volcano can provide that.

Edit to Max: The solid valve has a learning curve for cleaning. The easy valve does not. You take a little rubber band off the top and "click" the top part of the chamber out (the part that's stainless) and soak it in alcohol. The bottom part is just a screen you can replace when you need. Total time to clean: 10 minutes, after your first time you can do it in 5 minutes tops.
Volcano South,


Chief Vapor Officer
VS - I agree, S&B paid the money to get the studies done which is more than what any other manufacturer can say. Based on the materials used, and the fact that the electronics are separated in a unit like the SSV, I am comfortable enough with that to make a purchase. I think that the safest would be the VHW, 100% glass vapor path and I don't need a report to substantiate that for me. I don't think that people here dislike the Volcano, it's just that at their price point, there are many alternatives that offer equal, if not better, performance.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to bring this post up by i have some good pointers if anyone else wants to buy a used volcano.

First off to tell much more than anything you are going to need to take the top off.The only thing that can be determined from the outside that I know how to do is the ring where the bowl sits and the bowl. Very old models have an uncolored natural looking ring that the bowl sits on. The second gen had a black ring where the bowl sits. On the first and second gen the bowl is completely flat on the side and has no o-ring. the last gen and DIGI have a yellow o-ring and a groove for it on the bowl. There could be a few minor changes but these are the main things to look for.

Now its time to open up your volcano. Just take the three screws out and tilt forward and pull it off the knob. Inside the casing there will be the date that it was made right where the ground wire attaches.

Now there is something very important on the inside that you need to look at. 1-2 gen volcanos use a little plastic round box at the bottom to house the air pump. This piece is extremely reliable but is also really slow to fill a big 3 ft bag if thats your deal ( I know I love it, My friends 2nd gen takes 5+ minutes to fill a bag it takes mine 1:40 to fill). The pump you want is housed in a much more rectangular bare metal box at the bottom of the unit.

IF ! you decide to go with one that has the plastic pump on the inside BEWARE! There is a plastic tube that takes a rather undirect path that eventually ends up kinking. You can fix this with a soda can tab as seen on youtube.

Oh yeah and my friends second gen was made in february of 06 and mine was made in december of 06 they both still work fine but his power cord has been bent to many times and needs replacing I have heard of this before and heard that it was a very short turn around to have replaced( I guess its because volcanos dont fuck up very often.)

So these are the main things to look for. They are all reliable though but the newer ones just work a whole lot better and seem to taste better because the stuff aint sittin in the bag for 6 minutes.
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