Legal recreational is the right thing to do. Medical only makes for a huge black market for those of us who do not want to claim a listed medical issue for whatever reason. Legal rec is also good for residents of other (close?) states.
Here is the current menu from a Spokane recreational retailer. These are out the door prices, after the law change July 1. Lower than I have experienced in forty years of use. Excellent quality too.
On another note related to changing political norms(?). Here in Idaho it is now legal to carry a concealed firearm anywhere in the State, including cities. No permit, no training, no background check, no firearm or related legal knowledge required. Needless to say Idaho legislators do not listen to our police.
I would really like to be able to legally share cannabis with my out of state friends when they visit. I've gathered signatures for cannabis legalization initiatives in other states and have done canvassing for recreational legalization. That said, a bad bill with this many "poison pills" is worse than the status quo. It's easier to pass a good initiative than it is to fix a bad initiative. A bill like this is only going to ensure that only big corporate cannabis survives in California and that's bad for everyone. It also doesn't even effectively decriminalize what it's ostensibly decriminalizing, it also creates more excuses for police to violate an individual's privacy.