thats a great idea too... I have a nice bowl just waiting for a task!I just realized my castle that I have been using in an 18 male joint fits perfectly into an 18 female. Great discovery. I started using this cheapo 18 mm bowl that came with my D-020 as a carb cap for it, too. You can really get some nice dabs going with this setup.
the bowl I have does not fit properly over the castle... but I found a better solution. keep in mind not all will work with this... but ii finally found a use for that damn solo aroma bowl!

I lifted it just enough so that you can clearly see the nail.... but when in use I just drop it right down flush on top of the nail. you can see vapor swirling in the little dimple inside the aroma bowl.
Finally this bitch gets used!
edit 2: a little tip for anyone wanting to try this.... heat your nail up hot then set the cap on it. let that warm as the nail cools then pull it up and dab or bhomb and recap it. works splendedly.
and if you dont have a solo but you have a castle nail your in luck cause you can strait ebay or buy a SOLO aroma bowl at an solo vendor.
final edit: cause I forgot to look til now, here is the link to the joe halen honey hole carb caps.
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