Damnit? Seriously? 4 3/4"!?
That one there is 4 1/2" @#$%!
EDIT: Even looking at the above. I think I'm taking a chance bumping it up to 4 1/2". Hopefully I got hold of Mike (oregonglassblowers) fast enough. The way he shapes his showerhead, I'm still pretty confident, the top level of the downstem slits, will be BELOW the top level of the bubbler slits. He said he was making it tomorrow. So, if he logs on iofffer, he should see my request.
BTW... I let Mike know about the forum and mentioned there's like 4 or 5 of us, who constantly mention him. He was happy with the networking and said he would check out the forum. Hopefully he signs up, though we'll have to make sure he knows to go through as a vendor. But, I think he could get some good business off this site. People are always looking for adapters and such. That's right up his alley.
EDIT II: Whew! Caught him in time. He's going to make me a longer one. Plus, he wants to keep track of the progress, since I told him the idea of the dual inner/outer showerhead setup. I put a link in my sig for him, since it seems like someone is always asking for some sort of adapter or whatever. I don't get anything out of it, but good karma and hopefully it will encourage him to open an account here, if he sees more sales coming from the forum. (I told him about informing and signing up as retailer). He did check us out and said it looks like a pretty cool forum. Lip service? But, if we keep mentioning the forum when we order... he'll get the hint.
I've bought from him twice, 3 items so far and each has been exceptional quality. Its all heat annealed, nice and smooth. Plus, after a single order with the guy, he starts cutting NICE discounts on 2 items or more. His response and turnaround time, are exceptional. Had I responded earlier this morning, my package would be on my doorstep Monday. Instead, I'll wait until Wednesday... but it will be here. I bought 3 more items this time, the downstem, a 18mm and 14mm glass cleaning stoppers. $36 + $14 + $14 + $6 (shipping) = $70. I'm paying $44 plus $6 shipping and I bet he also throws in some freebies. Last time, it was 1 lg and 1 sm keck clips. The nice ones, that aren't brittle and break. VH has dealt with him a few time also. He'll vouch for the guy to.