I spent the past year smoking unquantifyable amounts of the best bud possible and swearing to myself that the next big purchase I was going to make was a vaporizer (with a bag vape in mind). Realizing how farfetched this dream was with how horrendously expensive most bag vapes are, I just got my glass VG in 3 days ago (due in part to this thread). Here's my story/perspective/

(sorry if it gets wordy, my VG has been doing its duty and then some):
I am a nerd with anything I do; the more passionate about something I am the more nerdy I tend to be with it as well. Herb falls pretty high on that list... so Ive always known vaporizing was way better, fully understood the process, and had tried several different people's vapes several different times. The only one I really liked was some bag vape my friend got at a head shop (forgot the name of it). It got me ripped, was convenient to pass around, and got everything out of the bud. I disliked the taste of most tube vapes and with a few exceptions, really only ever came across tube vapes and this one bag vape.
So my quest for vapor was catalyzed recently because I am moving in to a new place that won't be as tolerant of chronic stank. Spent a whole day researching the web in despair, as I could not pay ridiculous amounts of money for a bag or tube vape that got decent reviews. Then I came across the vaporgenie website, and after a pause in which I almost closed the window and dismissed the product as junk, I read up. Naturally I then began to read up what people were saying about the glass VG (the one that caught my eye, never owned a classic VG and I'm glad I didn't discover them until they came out with the glass one). Several positive reviews from sites I trust and regularly go to then led me to this site and this highly informative review (props OP) which in turn pushed me over the edge and made me buy my VG.
================ REVIEW =====================
I as well got the axe pack and as well am very glad I got it. I lose track of grinder/lighter/eyedrops/stash so often that I would use this even if it wasn't a perfect case for the glass VG. I got green and though I don't have a picture (and neither does the VG website), it is almost exactly the color of the outline of the "Fuck Combustion" title above, and I can post pics if anyone wants. I would highly recommend getting this case if you are going with the glass VG; well worth it.
- Its perfect, get it
- It costs you 20$
I am a complete connoisseur of herb, so naturally i want the best taste possible. I never was able to enjoy the taste from a tube vaporizer, and gave up on a bag vape. In retrospect, however, as far as the taste you get from a vape the glass VG out performs any vape I've ever hit. The shit I smoked tonight almost tasted too good out of it. The glass does get hot, obviously, but takes you by shock at how fast it cools (especially the top filter piece, as it requires some heavy constant use to get too hot to hold). The bowl is a great size, easily capable of a variety of amts. Like the OP my preferred method is to just get a tiny pinch of fine ground herb and drop it in to get a nice 2-3 hit bowl (I've already conserved so much bud by doing this). It is glass, so it does get dirty below the bowl (on the curved part of the pipe), but the staining is minor and looks easily cleanable. I love being able to see the whole process go down right in front of your face as you controll it as well; a great advantage to the glass.
- Glass > all. No unscrewing; glass on glass conection
- Fantastic taste
- Lifetime Warranty
- Best utility to price ratio of any vape (IMO)
- If a tiny bit of brief pain gets to you, the bowl can get a bit hot
- butane guzzler
- needs to be explained to friends (DON'T TORCH MY VAPE!)
1) If using a flame lighter, flick the lighter so that the finger(thumb) holding down the plastic button to maintain the flame is below the flame of the lighter when you tilt the lighter over to light the bowl. Hard to explain in words, but if you don't get that ^^, go like you're lighting a normal bowl and when you tilt to light the bowl, freeze your hand, rotate the lighter 180 degrees in it, and thats it. Breathe just fast enough to draw in the flame with only the very tip of the flame going in the very center of the bowl. For the first hit I find it's best to breathe slow for a 3 count, breathe out through the nose (usually nothing) while maintaining the flame, then begin the hit. This just seems to get a more impacting first hit, as you don't lose lung capacity in warming up the filter a little bit.
2) If using a cone lighter, hold it an inch or so away from the top of the bowl and breathe a little faster. After a couple of successive hits, decrease the amount of time you use the lighter during your hits or else suffer some combustion. The glass VG makes it easy to see that though you are not applying the flame for the whole hit in these situations, you are still vaporizing the weed by just slowly running air through that hot filter.
================ CONCLUSION =======================
So yeah, it got wordy. But in short, this is a great product and I would recommend it to anyone who loves herb and isn't made of money. I ordered mine on a monday and got it in on friday (VA to TX) and had pretty ample tracking info supplied. It comes with everything you'd think like instructions, replacement screens etc.
If you still aren't sold after alllll of that. Consider this. This product that I was originally a tiny bit upset about (that it wasn't a crazy bag vape) got me so high and so pleased that I came back to this review, registered for this site, and decided to rant about how much I love it just on the small chance that something I said tips someone over the edge and convinces them to get one. (Do it!).
Peace. If you read all that you're f***ing awesome.