Glass on Glass = Unhealthy?


Well-Known Member
Got this off of Shout out to Sal, a man-deer for finding this out:

" Glass on Glass = Unhealthy?
This guy makes a few good points.

I went and dug up my cheap GonG setup, did the tape test,* and sure enough got a pretty good amount of glass dust right away.

If you don't feel like watching the video, he basically just brings up the fact that the ground/unpolished surfaces produce glass dust, and that in other industries, that's a huge no-no.

The guy's got quite a uhh... personality, so don't judge by how much you dislike him - google "glass dust lawsuit" or similar terms, and you'll see that it's not just his opinion that inhaling the stuff is a bad thing.

I know water will capture most particles, but there are people out there hitting their pieces dry, or pieces with ground joints above the water, and even some dry GonG pieces...

*The tape test goes like this...
Pull your slide/other joint in and out a few times, and then touch some tape to the mating surfaces and see if you collect any powder/dust "




Well-Known Member
this does raise a pretty good question. i personally have never considered the possibility as i assumed gong was safe based on how widely used they are. :/

on the other hand, glass is heavy, it falls out of the air instead of staying suspended, so wouldnt the water be able to capture all the particals that may fall.


Rock the Casbah
There are lots of vids on youtube of people disproving this dude's tape test. He also keeps verbally abusing anyone who posts against him in his channel.

He also is pretty hated over at GC.


Serial vapist
Well even if this is true, when you consider the fact that (using my DBV for an example) the ground glass is on the outside of the bowl, I don't think much - if any - of this powder will actually be sucked through. The only part of my setup that could really give off the powder is where the adapter attaches to my bong, but as others have said, the powder will get in the water and stay there. So as long as you're not drinking your bongwater or using the ground glass bong adapter as a mouth piece itself, i cant see this being much of a danger.


Lost in Thought
My advise?

Dont feed the troll...

He continues to spit his bullshit because he is getting a reaction out of people. Whether he is trying to be 'helpful and objective' remains to be seen. But its obvious from just the reaction you got from him, hes doing it for attention as well.

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
i feel your pain ... i used to feel that way about Uncle Ben on another forum. it's a transitory thing, this too will pass. I.e. the world is full of asshole douchbags, eh? That's just life. my gf thinks at least 10% of the human race should be put down. i personally don't care enough ... but, then again, i'm a lowly motivated over achiever.
Hippie Dickie,
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Glass/Vape Enthusiast
He's down on GonG cuz he says it produces glass shards. Check ask fc there's a thread about whether or not GonG is bad for your health. I think that this douche is just bsing tho, I didn't get any glass shards trying his "tape test".


Serial vapist
Frickr said:
the thing i liked was on his webpage goodstash had a link to a "pure ceramic vaporizer" which uses a gong joint. :lol: and cant forget the plastic fusion airballs
Hypocrisy, ain't it grand? Especially when it's posted on a website that someone with a weeks worth of HTML classes could improve on.

and lol, yes, i hate this guy and his communication skills (or lack thereof) as well. I think he could be preachin the truth about something really important and factual and i would still be inclined to not listen to him or believe him. I think its because he just seems to talk straight out his ass for the pleasure of the smell.
Hippie Dickie said:
my gf thinks at least 10% of the human race should be put down. i personally don't care enough ... but, then again, i'm a lowly motivated over achiever.
I think your girlfriend is being overly charitable. I could probably point out close to 25%!:o

Of course I also believe there really should be common sense/intelligence tests required before you can reproduce.
Welfare check? Sure, here it is, as soon as you take your contraception. :/
Howie Feltersnatch,
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Well-Known Member
brandonflav said:
Didn't see this thread, I just posted about this asshat. I agree he has a couple points that raise interest, but I don't take information very well when it comes in the form of yelling, being a douche, and mud slinging.

Luchiano I noticed you said you did the test and got glass shards. I also notice that you said you did it on a cheap GonG set-up; you also "dug it up" so that makes me assume they are a little old. So with that info I would argue that the cheapness of the product could help make shavings; I'm guessing a china import GonG would shard far more easily then say a honalee joint. Also wouldn't the age be a factor too, things do break down because of certain factors over time.

Even if he's 100% correct, he presented his information in a crude and douchey way. And rebuttaling to people by constantly swearing and calling them faggots, is way out of line; it shows a complete lack of intellect and knowledge of how to win an argument.


P.S. If he's so worried about the health of others, highly unlikely, who use GonG. Why not suggest vaporising instead of using a grommet bong? To me he is saying "Don't use GonG because its bad for you. Use this grommet bong, sure the rubber can release toxins and is still bad for you, but it puts money in my pocket; so cheers!"
I wasn't the one who started this thread, it was from icmag's forums by the person I named. I posted here to start up a conversation about it seeing that a lot of people do GonG and vape for health reasons. Sorry I didn't make that known better but I had an emergency right when I started this thread and had to go.

I think this guy has a point but I don't think the dust will happen right away, it would be a build up over time from the constant friction because most pieces aren't smoothed out around the bowl& stem connection which means the friction will create some dust overtime BUT this is why you should lube up these parts just like anything that connects and causes friction. A little vegetable oil is all that's needed every once in a while to make everything smooth and friction free.

Two other people from this same thread on icmag stated the same thing:

"I grease my joints just like I did when we used 'em in the lab. I tend to just use a drop of peanut oil. I have used beeswax, coconut oil, palm oil, & "real" joint grease before (it's generally a silicone grease). A dry joint is GOING to grind. Period. I don't care if it's in a saab or a roor, if it's a dry joint, it's going to produce grindings if you keep using it that way. Like mexicangreen420 up there says, it also prevents sticking.

The funnel i use for oil washing uses ground joints. I can't even imagine being able to use that thing without lubing it first.

Lube your joints, pass to the left on fridays, and always leave cookies for the trash guys."

"hmm, right after i clean my glass on glass beaker bong, i put a little warm surf wax on the ground surface, makes for an even better seal, it never sticks, and i don't grind glass."


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
You know, I never even considered that. All the times I have used ground glass joints in a lab setting I have always greased it up, dunno why I have not carried the practice over to glass that I use for vaping.


brandonflav said:
I started some other video where you talk about how smart and educated you are; come one, 50% of the special olympics athletes could whip your ass in a spelling bee.
You know complaining about homophobia is a bit silly when you start referring to the disabled like this. The fact is, half of the special olympians could probably beat you in a spelling bee. Being blind, paraplegic or having cerebral palsy doesn't make you less intelligent or less educated.
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