Glass India: Inside an Indian glass factory


vapor accessory addict
Fascinating. Unbelievable how many people are just whipping that hot glass around in the room! And they're practically barefoot!


Vapor concierge
that shit is amazing, cds! It's like the anti-america way to do it. That's incredibly dangerous, and we are incredibly sanitized and protected over here. Somewhere in the middle is probably the most appropriate...
I'm glad you guys found it as interesting as I did. The way they throw around blowpipes with hot gathers on them, with everyone seemingly just wheeling around and not in any designated place, is just crazy.


vapor accessory addict
I particularly found it funny that they were stepping over each other's hot glass lines. So nonchalant. :lol:


Revolting Peasant
Wow, that brought the industrial revolution and Victorian Britain to mind in that first video- it's real man power with hand fed furnaces. I can't imagine working like that for even the 6 hours a day they do- you'd really have to keep sharp wits about you the whole time. And imagine how many glass shards must get in all those feet dealing with all the broken bits prior to getting remolten...

I clicked through a few of the links after and saw this more modern film with fancy editing and moody music that made it look a whole lot different though. It makes the job look lively and bustling

And there's one from China too. That girl should have her hair tied back or in a hat. It'll get burned, I'm sure ;)


vapor accessory addict
First thing that struck me was what is that guy smoking in the first shot. They're all smiling an awful lot... :lol:

This was definitely a more glossy version. But, if you looked past the mesmerizing music, they really didn't show a whole lot of the working conditions or people working. The "factory" in the other film looked more crowded and busy. Makes you wonder if they made everyone put on their best cloths and kept it more staged in the second film.
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