Hey All! Thanks for the lively thread!
This unit is actually very unique (as is our company strategy in general) as it does not really stand to compete with these varying cartridges. there are MANY people with MANY preferences. for instance I prefer a VG/PG base high for a good few reasons over a pure oil high:
a) the metabolism of it. seems to onset as fast as smoking, but a get a less heady / more body/edible type of feel.
b) the water vapor - i really love the cool and soothing byproduct of water vapor in my hits. its a lot more "refreshing" and cooler on the throat
c) the mix and match accessibility - heres the thing - I am an e-cig lover too. Through e-liquid i've not only quit smoking actual cigs, but also come to love the brilliant flavors, etc. hookah like quality of them. So i personally love being able to get affordable and accessible e-cig cartridges and make "spliffs" of them with nicotine and thc extract.
BUT thats just me. Lots of people love the pure oil thing. the idea is not to pick for them but let them choose:
this is why the Double Agent has its very name - it includes a thread adapter for the omicon. there is no doubt an omicon cartridge design is unique and many people have a preference towards it. in fact lots of companies make cool cartridges and pre-fills all over the country.
the problem is ... well.. they dont cross over. thats why our kit, the double agent, includes what we call an "RX thread adapter"
It essentially adapts your pen to accept these niche cartridges, without sacrificing the thread on the pen itself. You can use an omicon cartridge on our pen, the difference is that we are focused on the pen itself. Unlike the omicon (and i am not picking on them at all, this is the case with actually just about ALL of these vapor pens) they dont have some common sense features. such as USB passthrough.
Why should I take my cartridge off and plug the whole pen into the computer to charge it, head first, for hours? with our pen, it plugs in through the bottom using the same USB to mini USB you use on your cellphone or digital camera. This lets you not only vape WHILE it charges, but now, you can grab your totally dead, battery drained unit, plug it into your car adapter, and be vaping in no time flat, rather than regretting you didnt charge it the night before.
Another feature standard in our pens is variable voltage. we dont think this should be a "multiple hundreds of dollar" feature. it should just always be there. not on the best model, but any model that can accept it.
the more output voltage options you have, the more cartridge options you have.
Think of us as the Linux Ethic in vapor pens. Though with a boutique take on aesthetics and liquid production.
Also, for those curious - the cartridge pictured is a Smart Cart tincture tank. this is for adding PG/VG to the outer tank, then a full melt of your choice as well. With usage, the center column heats the formula binding the THC into the e-liquid. But there are tons of carts we have lined up: a Bubble hash, tiny cartridge. An ego threaded dry herb atomizer. Tons of stuff. and when someone else makes something great - we wont steal it or bad mouth it - we'll just give you the option to incorporate it. it should be YOUR choice.
And yes. will be adding a ton of new pictures later this week! charge, voltage changing etc. and through out the weeks we will add a wiki style knowledge base with videos, how tos, etc, on DIY cartridge making, supplies, tutorials, etc. you can join our mailing list over at @
http://www.gentlemansvapes.com . We also just put blank GIANT size eGo threaded dual coil cartridges up on the site, perfect for making your own blends and vaping them. Giving their disposable nature, they are priced at an ultra reasonable $2 a cartridge.
Thanks again all, please always feel free to contact me with any direct questions also over at info@gentlemansvapes.com
- Julie