Gentleman's Brand Vapes


Staff member
The Gentleman's adapters do not work IME. Some people have gotten them rigged to work, but I don't see how. They're simply the wrong threading or extremely poorly built.

I ended up buying one from a known source and have had no problems with it so far.



Glass Blower
yeah, you shouldnt have to "rig" it out of the box hah!

yeah the one i have works great, so soild!

the battery itself seems like a great 510 passthru with a small vari voltage, but like some mention they can pick up a 510 passthru for real cheap without the "unessiciary" things....for some people they dont already have other ecig stuff laying around they can use to thier advantage, so id say for the price its fair as hell(if the adapters worked solid)


Staff member
I don't know if it actually is a passthru necessarily. I think it just charges, while allowing the battery to be used at the same time. CDS had his unit meet it's demise while thinking he was on USB power. R.I.P.



Well-Known Member
I don't know if it actually is a passthru necessarily. I think it just charges, while allowing the battery to be used at the same time. CDS had his unit meet it's demise while thinking he was on USB power. R.I.P.


I agree. I have an eGo pen here sold as a 'pass through' (charges through a mini USB under a cap on the base). But it's a 'charge while in use' deal as Brother Stu suggests, not a true pass through.



watching the video and scanning thru multiple posts, also in the video these thread adapters (why is there two wtf?) the unlockers looks so damn janky. i have a 510 to omi adapter, screwed right in once piece.....then put the cart on...done. One shouldn't have THIS much trouble to just even "try to get it to work"

I want to be separated from the "e-cig" part of it, but at the same time i love it, because parts and pieces are so readily avail and cheap

there are actually more than 2 dif adapters. i got 4 dif adapters with my DA. all of which have a dif thread combinations. for whatever possible pen to cart combos these are for i do not know, but i think its nice to have as many options as possible. so IMO all the extra adapters are a good thing. one of the 4 adapters i have mate my Omi carts to DA perfectly. it would be nice if they were marked somehow with what thread they are so there is no guessing which adapter is correct for the cart > pen combo you are using.

i think its great that this stuff is all e-cig compatible for a couple of reasons. like you said parts are readily available and inexpensive. and also because then they look like just any ol' e-cig. helps keeps our secret a secret when out and about. as i said earlier in this thread... i sat at a bar some weeks ago, asked the tender if they cared if i used my e-cig at the bar, and vaped out while sipping brews for a few hours. talk about stealth!


Glass Blower
haha fuck asking(dont take that the wrong way) half the battle of being stealth is not acting obvious... just act like you should be doing it and nobody seems to ask me. alllllll the time i get "ah yeah i used those to quit smoking too" and i just smile and keep talking.

yeah in your case, at a bar id def ask...cause there isnt very clear laws about "e-cigs" because everyone says the same thing....its water vapor who cares?


i quit smoking over a year ago and never used e-cigs so i didnt know. but i could tell right at that moment that it was a non issue.


Glass Blower
im not worried about the look(dosent look like lighting up a pipe) but the smell im always paranoid, dosent smell like smoking....but it smells like some sticky ass shit! :D


Well-Known Member
im not worried about the look(dosent look like lighting up a pipe) but the smell im always paranoid, dosent smell like smoking....but it smells like some sticky ass shit! :D

A valid point, for sure. More complex because like cigarette smokers I think we become used to the smell and are not sensitive to it. I'm sure all non smokers have had a workmate come back reeking from a quick break who is unaware (or similar). Likewise, at a lower level, Grandma can smell a few puffs of a cigarette hours later when nobody else can. The chance of a non user who would know the smell and not object to the idea is probably small, but finite. Some of those will also have badges, but are most likely to look the other way.

The risk is small (I think) but the downside can be bad. It can effect employment in some cases, then and in the future. Here in California without a card to protect you, a bust with oil or 'refined cannabis' can be very serious should fate take it that way. Or the wrong guy be in a bad mood.....

Then again, what in life is safe?



Staff member
So after I explained to the dispensary that the medicated carts had no effect on me, they were kind enough to not only offer a full refund, but also sent me a couple of more medicated cartridges to "test out" for them. When they offered, I politely declined because of my first experience with them. However they said that it would be more of a favor for them if I'd test them out again. So I accepted them.

I decided to spend the first half of my day puffing away on a Skywalker OG cart that they sent. After 2 hours I still felt nothing....but I motored ahead and puffed on it for another couple of hours. After 4-5 hours of taking puffs (maybe averaging 30 hits per hour) I think I finally felt something. I felt a very slight buzz, but it was very slight. If someone slipped me a mickey with the buzz I had, I wouldn't have even noticed. My guess is that it was about the same effect as having one small, tiny, 1-second hit from a PD (from a totally sober state, obviously).

So I will modify my position on these medicated cartridges. They may work a little, but very very little. I don't see any way you could self medicate this way unless you had an extremely low tolerance, and only needed extremely small amounts of medication for your ailment.

I will continue to not recommend these medicated carts and will not be using them.



Well-Known Member
So I will modify my position on these medicated cartridges. They may work a little, but very very little. I don't see any way you could self medicate this way unless you had an extremely low tolerance, and only needed extremely small amounts of medication for your ailment.

I will continue to not recommend these medicated carts and will not be using them.


Thanks for the update, Stu. I agree, these guys must do something for someone or they'd be universally laughed off. I think, perhaps, we've been spoiled a a lot?

Your story of sucking all morning trying to get a buzz reminds me of my early days when you'd roll a J and 'sample' the lid before buying. The seller usually wanted to roll (go figure) and was ready to relight you and relight you and..... I had a friend who held the line at 3 large hits a minute or so apart. He'd then refuse any more for a while. His was the only judgment you could trust really. I recall he'd sometimes say 20 or so minutes later when all us loadies wanted the true measure, 'well we could roll a joint each and have a couple beers and get drunk.....'.



Noob Saibot
With my ThermoVape in a broken slump, I brought my Double Agent and a Widow Maker with me today. I plan on using it until I feel something.

In a completely sober state, I wonder if that huge overloaded cart will have any effect.

Look out for another review soon!


Well-Known Member
With my ThermoVape in a broken slump, I brought my Double Agent and a Widow Maker with me today. I plan on using it until I feel something.

In a completely sober state, I wonder if that huge overloaded cart will have any effect.

Look out for another review soon!

Good show you've got some backup, and not to kick a guy when he's down and all, but I bet you wish you had a thread adapter and an Omicron cart full of something really tasty to put in it right now?

Good luck in your testing.

OTHO, I'm surprised you couldn't screw it back together....... Hopefully, soon the details will be lost in memory.



Noob Saibot
Good show you've got some backup, and not to kick a guy when he's down and all, but I bet you wish you had a thread adapter and an Omicron cart full of something really tasty to put in it right now?

Good luck in your testing.

OTHO, I'm surprised you couldn't screw it back together....... Hopefully, soon the details will be lost in memory.


I do have a Revolution - as well as some of the other cool things in my Sig. However, most vapes smell, or aren't as easy to carry around.

I can enjoy my Revolution - but - there is no oil to be found anywhere, unless I make it. Or, you send me some.

When Gentleman's brand comes out with a herb cart, it may be my go-to/on-the-go vape - because it's a bit smaller than the TV. Of course, carrying both around would be fun too!


When Gentleman's brand comes out with a herb cart,

i know they are working on it. i dont care who puts it out first, as long as it works, ill buy the herb cart from anyone and run it on my DA.

after more usage with my DA with Omi cart... im charging it about every 1.5-2 days. i am only using it "on the go" so no at home use. i would imagine that if i were using it for all around vaping that i would be charging it everyday no doubt.
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Well-Known Member
I do have a Revolution - as well as some of the other cool things in my Sig. However, most vapes smell, or aren't as easy to carry around.

I can enjoy my Revolution - but - there is no oil to be found anywhere, unless I make it. Or, you send me some.

When Gentleman's brand comes out with a herb cart, it may be my go-to/on-the-go vape - because it's a bit smaller than the TV. Of course, carrying both around would be fun too!

Yup, caught it actually, but it could have been a six Volt version (most are....). Didn't know about concentrate source issues, sorry about that, but I don't think that really changes the statement? I bet you still wished you had an Omicron cart full of tasty concentrate with you? Only more even than I thought.

As to smell, this is what I use with Omicrons, fume tight, tough as nails. Them cegarr guys don't mess around:

The whole vape fits in the Omicron case. Even if it didn't perhaps you could just take the smelly part off and put that part in?


nr nodes

Well-Known Member
anyone notice the new oil cartridges on their website? and they are different from the omicron ones how?
nr nodes,


Well-Known Member
anyone notice the new oil cartridges on their website? and they are different from the omicron ones how?

I'm guessing it's these ones:

So the major differences are this one would be set up for 510 threads (not 601 like Omicron) and a rip off of the Omicron cart. You get to decide how important that is to you (legality aside) I guess.

You also have to consider that making these carts is a complex task. Not that they can't be copied, but that making good ones of that type is not easy. There's been a lot of concern about 'taste' in the Omicron bringing prompt changes in production (extra decontamination steps and 'burn in') in response (in near real time) to customers who promptly got their defective gear replaced. Top notch Customer Service.....another factor to consider.

So to the list above I suggest 'quality'. These carts can at the very best be equal, but IMO they will fall far short of it for many customers. As Mae West was famous for saying, "you pays your money, and takes your choice".


nr nodes

Well-Known Member
Wow that was quick. No worries about legality, I already use omicron carts on a DA - for vaporizing cannabis extracts- which makes me a committed criminal. I also tried the widowmaker carts, not really my thing but can see where they have a place for some patients (needs cleaner tech though, cotton wicks=nasty, plus solder and wires?) All this 'who came first' stuff and the cheerleading that goes with it is lost on me when it's just a bunch of the same old e-cig parts with a slight twist here and there (reason I bought the DA kit, at least they're honest about it and price was very fair for what I got, sample meds included). Omicron carts have filled a much needed role for sure, but really not all that great from a design point of view. And I for one do not at-all like pre-heating my extracts to the temps required for their fill method, and can't believe this issue isn't mentioned more often in these threads.

On the customer service, frankly I find the guy from THCS and his assistant pretty abrasive, here and in other forums. I almost bought the original omicron kit online but was repelled by them and decided to wait for his first outside retailer to buy empty carts. Plus he was telling people to inhale hemp cooking oil as if that's safe, pretty irresponsible. Now the folks here, Julie I guess, very friendly and seemed pretty open/involved, but then all but disappeared after the product launch and never really addressed negative feedback publicly? And they're available via chat but repeatedly don't answer emails? Pretty big missed business opportunity for an enthusiast-driven startup I'd think. Not hating on either of them, but seriously this is perspective of at least one totally unbiased reader who's considered spending money with them.

I've followed every thread on these subjects here and many elsewhere, and the conclusion I finally came to? If you want to see a shining example of how to communicate and do business successfully in a forum like this, I can't personally vouch for their products just yet, but maybe head over to the TV threads.
nr nodes,


Well-Known Member
OK, this seem all subjective stuff, and I'm not all that big on that sort of thing. You'll have to excuse me, but here's how I see it.

THC put a lot of money and time into developing the cart, I think he has the right to profit from it as he sees fit and selling (far different than making it for personal use) copies made off shore without dealing with THC is a sin. Close enough to stealing for jazz, something you'd never get away with in the US. "Prior Art" they got in spades, make those knock offs in Nevada and you're toast.

Abrasive is a relative term. But it's also way different than 'effective'. Their Customer Service works. No, I'm not sucking around for a bunch of 'well they didn't do XXX for me' whine stories here, I'm just saying we've 'seen' piles of good news stories here. You can buy their gear with confidence. How's the support from the new guys lately? How far do you think you'd get with, 'I think it tastes funny'? Sometimes you have to consider you pay for CS before you need it.

I like TV too of course, but they have a different Business Model in play which effects things. I'd also recommend the MF folks as well, with their different again model. But all three have to objectively be given good marks in that they have systems that work quickly and well.

I recommend all 3.



Wow that was quick. No worries about legality, I already use omicron carts on a DA - for vaporizing cannabis extracts- which makes me a committed criminal. I also tried the widowmaker carts, not really my thing but can see where they have a place for some patients (needs cleaner tech though, cotton wicks=nasty, plus solder and wires?) All this 'who came first' stuff and the cheerleading that goes with it is lost on me when it's just a bunch of the same old e-cig parts with a slight twist here and there (reason I bought the DA kit, at least they're honest about it and price was very fair for what I got, sample meds included). Omicron carts have filled a much needed role for sure, but really not all that great from a design point of view. And I for one do not at-all like pre-heating my extracts to the temps required for their fill method, and can't believe this issue isn't mentioned more often in these threads.

On the customer service, frankly I find the guy from THCS and his assistant pretty abrasive, here and in other forums. I almost bought the original omicron kit online but was repelled by them and decided to wait for his first outside retailer to buy empty carts. Plus he was telling people to inhale hemp cooking oil as if that's safe, pretty irresponsible. Now the folks here, Julie I guess, very friendly and seemed pretty open/involved, but then all but disappeared after the product launch and never really addressed negative feedback publicly? And they're available via chat but repeatedly don't answer emails? Pretty big missed business opportunity for an enthusiast-driven startup I'd think. Not hating on either of them, but seriously this is perspective of at least one totally unbiased reader who's considered spending money with them.

I've followed every thread on these subjects here and many elsewhere, and the conclusion I finally came to? If you want to see a shining example of how to communicate and do business successfully in a forum like this, I can't personally vouch for their products just yet, but maybe head over to the TV threads.

i gotta agree with most of this. but i also agree with OF that it appears Deltas CS is very good.

i just got my standard windowed Rev on friday for use on my Detonator. here are some pics.

here you can see my DA/Omi setup and my Detonator w/ Rev next to a DBV.

and here you can see the Rev all fired up.

running the Detonator at 7.4V and the Rev lights up super fast. its really great that the Revs are threaded 510 and that no adapter is needed. i need to do another oil run to test this setup though... hopefully withing the next few days. the DA and Omi setup works perfectly. if only those carts werent so finicky. wouldnt a slightly larger ID inner tube help with the clogging issues?

anyway, once i get some oil ill try to get a video of the Detonator/Rev in action. excited to couple it to a tube.


agreed. once my new Rev gets here ill post up some video of the detonator Dart setup.

i would like to hear more about the honey oil carts.


Staff member
I just spent the day on a beach in Brazil today hitting my DA pen with an Omi cart full of Pure Gold. It worked like a charm. I also brought the last pre-medicated cart for the hell of it, but after hitting it for a while, I felt like I was just wasting the battery, so I loaded up the real stuff and had a great day in Canoa Quebrada (broken canoe).

Ill post some pics I took just because it was too easy and kinda funny.

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