So yesterday I went home to see the folks and my father is a Dr. (who is strongly against the idea of any mmj use)
He suggested that I may have something called "generalized anxiety disorder". (GAD)
he had me fill out a quick little test "GAD-7" to see how i scored. I scored 12 out of 21. average for a "normal" person would be between 0 and 5 I fall in the middle of the moderate.
so i looked up the symptoms. here is what applies to me from this list:
The main symptom is the almost constant presence of worry or tension, even when there is little or no cause. Worries seem to float from one problem to another, such as family or relationship problems, work issues, money, health, and other problems.
Even when aware that their worries or fears are stronger than needed, a person with GAD still has difficulty controlling them.
Other symptoms include:
*source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001915/
I pretty much have every one of the symptoms and have felt I was more anxious than depressed even though they all tell me i'm depressed.
My question is. does this affliction count as one that mmj would work for? Weed obviously chills me out and stops me from sweating the small stuff as much. hell, it lets me function in my day so much better...
He suggested that I may have something called "generalized anxiety disorder". (GAD)
he had me fill out a quick little test "GAD-7" to see how i scored. I scored 12 out of 21. average for a "normal" person would be between 0 and 5 I fall in the middle of the moderate.
so i looked up the symptoms. here is what applies to me from this list:
The main symptom is the almost constant presence of worry or tension, even when there is little or no cause. Worries seem to float from one problem to another, such as family or relationship problems, work issues, money, health, and other problems.
Even when aware that their worries or fears are stronger than needed, a person with GAD still has difficulty controlling them.
Other symptoms include:
- Difficulty concentrating - totally. mind gets sucked into a vortex of worry and planning when I should be listening to someone or focusing on a task.
- Fatigue - this only is when I haven't gotten enough sleep. don't consider it a symptom myself.
- Irritability - yep thats me... dumb shit like stupid people on he road PISS ME OFF! When i try to tackle regular everyday stuff to the harder stuff in life and i hit a bump in the road, sometimes I think it would just be so much easier to die instead. a tad defeatist?
- Problems falling or staying asleep, and sleep that is often restless and unsatisfying - my mind wont fuck off sometimes. re running the day how could i have done this better? what about that? was i mean to that person? i didn't mean to be... blah blah blah
- Restlessness, and often becoming startled very easily - I'm a jumpy person people sneaking up on me sucks! i can't sit still sometimes. I feel like i should be doing something ,but don't know what. so i pace and look for things to do.
*source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001915/
I pretty much have every one of the symptoms and have felt I was more anxious than depressed even though they all tell me i'm depressed.
My question is. does this affliction count as one that mmj would work for? Weed obviously chills me out and stops me from sweating the small stuff as much. hell, it lets me function in my day so much better...