I would have guessed the Hamm hurricane recycler but you said the contra was your favourite recycler. I'm assuming it doesn't have top spot since it's a lot of effort to clean something that large.
After that I was going to guess that your favourite piece is the Pulse Glass Multi Honeycomb as I remember you saying not too long ago that it was your favourite piece to use with the cloud, but since you hinted that your favourite piece might not be the most functional I'm not going to go with that one. IMHO you could never call honeycomb discs anything but functional.
My entry for this competition is going to be my favourite of your pieces which is "Herbie the Spider". If I got that right then I'm hoping the reason you love it is the same as me which is because he looks like he's been frozen mid-crawl with his feet up in the air. However I'm guessing he probably isn't a favourite of @
dorkus_molorkus because he has to evict some of Herbie's more deadly cousins from under his toilet seat on a regular basis.
With such awesome collection it wasn't easy to pick a favourite, that beautiful array of glass is truly a sight to behold. Also thanks for all the competitions PR, they've been fun.