Fuck you !!!


Herbal Alchemist
I say FUCK YOU. Eating a king size Payday bar every day ain't gonna hurt me in any way since I'm 5 foot 11inches tall and right now only weigh 133 pounds, the 440 calories is actually good for me.

And just How can you tell me what's good for me to eat When your 5 foot 5 inches tall and weigh more than twice what I do. I mean really I just watched you eat an entire KFC family meal in less then half an hour a few nights ago. :shrug:

i say get real you fat fucking pig.

Sounds like they are throwing stones in a glass house.


Enter the Dragon
Fuck the realization that it is Sunday night, I have a cunt of a Monday ahead full of fuckery & to top it all off I am another year older tomorrow. The only bonus is I should be busy enough to not think about the fact I share my birthday with the love of my life who I chose to walk out on. I can't help but remember her last words to me were "I want you to know I fucking hate you" & this was a woman without a nasty bone in her body. Yeah fuck sharing a birthday with her.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Fuck you wood. Fuck you and your inner beauty. It's too much now and I haven't even scratched the surface. I knew the Blackwood was going to set the obsession off. I spent hours looking at burls, natures blemishs shining thru once they have been caressed with a big fuck off gouge. Exotic timber from far flung places. The Teak has made me worse. Re-purposed from the parquet floors of a former asylum. There must be some mentalness ingrained in it. Next thing you know out at the garden center looking for fucking shrubs and I'm going thru in my mind how I'm going to get the best blanks out of an Olivewood Cheesefuckinboard I spotted in the gift shop. Fuck the shrubs.

So FUCK YOU WOOD. I will have the last laugh as I intend on burning some of you less exotic species later on in the burner in my shed.
I say FUCK YOU. Eating a king size Payday bar every day ain't gonna hurt me in any way since I'm 5 foot 11inches tall and right now only weigh 133 pounds, the 440 calories is actually good for me.

And just How can you tell me what's good for me to eat When your 5 foot 5 inches tall and weigh more than twice what I do. I mean really I just watched you eat an entire KFC family meal in less then half an hour a few nights ago. :shrug:

i say get real you fat fucking pig.
Nice rant Rudy :lol: Fuck food shaming and fuck fat people who offer dietary advice.


Enter the Dragon
You may mistake my kindness for weakness but you are only just realizing the trouble you have caused & it has barely begun. You played a poor hand against pocket aces & failed to read the multiple warning signs provided & did not comprehend the opening raise was a resignation letter.

Now we are in a position where I have senior executives scrambling to appease me & been offered any position I would like within reason, you will likely lose your job or at a minimum be demoted. It could have been so different but you forced my hand & I am yet to lose at this game.

Fuck me? No I think you will find it is a very much a try & fuck me but I will fuck you in ways you never though possible.


Well-Known Member
Fuck crappy receivers. My crappo pioneer went down and took all my music/tv/movie goodies with it. I had to buy it when I got a smart tv because my old kick ass yamaha receiver didn't do hdmi. The crap pioneer didn't do speaker a/b switching and only lasted a few years. In the end I guess fuck me for complaining 'cause now ($500 later - wtf) I got a mid level sony that at least allows for switching speakers (watch tv in one room, listen to music in another). But there goes my 420 new vape treat to myself. Just as good cause I couldn't make up my mind...


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I work in the construction industry. My job involves going in to peoples houses and making a mess. Which I always clear up after me. The last two places I've worked in have been fukin disgusting. How the fuk do folk live like this. Each to their own and all that but FFS I shouldn't be making your scuzzy shit hole you call home cleaner after I've left than it was when I fukin got there. It's not fukin rocket science.
Dogs molt and they leave fur all over the place. I personally am not the most house proud of people but I wouldn't let nearly 2" of fur build up under my furniture. You have a vacuum cleaner and a fukin part time job. No fukin excuses.
I know kitchens are not the cleanest of places and they do require some on going form of cleaning routine so when a tradesman comes to your house he doesn't have to use baby wipes to get all the fukin grease and shit of his hands so he can do his job properly.
I don't leave tripping hazards lying around when I am at work so why the fuk do you think it's okay to leave all manner of shit at your arse end. I can be in and out of your house and get my job done much quicker with less explefukintives if you did just a bit of prep work before I turn up. Is two weeks notice not enough.

So to all you dirty, scuzzy, lazy fuks who live like fukin pigs FUCK YOU. Do some fukin housework.


High since 1968
FUCK YOU to all conniving self-deluded psychopathic narcissist bullshit-artists such as Trump and my no-good piece-of-shit sister.

FUCK YOU to anyone who harms animals. One exception - spiders who enter my house must die. FUCK YOU spiders.

FUCK YOU to all those who are polluting and destroying our environment. And on a related note, FUCK YOU to construction equipment. Take your fucking beep-beeps and shove them.

FUCK YOU to mainstream medicine, I am now completely free of 5 major health issues I was able to resolve via natural means without your so-called “help”.

And FUCK YOU to everyone and everything that fucks with the happiness and/or well-being of the good folks on this thread.

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Well-Known Member
Fuck insurance policies and safety codes.


The simple horizontal rails were just fine. Only 15 foot drop at the far end, max.
Besides, don't toddlers always land on their feet?

Gravity is one of nature's tools to thin out the herd.
If you're so fucking drunk that you somehow manage to slip through the railing and ... well, on second thought, this safety stuff may not be a bad idea.
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