So I'm sorry, but this HAD TO HAPPEN some time.
FUCK THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!!! OK, maybe not the whole party, BUT CERTAINLY ALL THE TALKING HEADS!!! They are assholes, and they spend all day every day TRYING TO MAKE YOU AFRAID. Like people need help with that. But whether you do or not THEY WILL do everything they can to get you pissing your pants and believing that ONLY THEY CAN SAVE YOU!
BE AFRAID of MJ, and Immigrants, and GAYS and people of color and alternative energy and unions and scientists and evolution and MOST OF ALL EBOLA!!!
People! You have a MUCH better chance of winning the lottery in America than catching Ebola. The only 2 people who have gotten it here WERE HEALTH CARE WORKERS HANDLING AN EXISTING PATIENTS BODILY FLUIDS! You will NOT get Ebola here, and if you did by some miracle contract it from an infected person YOU WOULD BE SAVED!
All of this fear generated by the Republicans is nothing but a political move specifically designed to keep you from the polls or to make you afraid enough to vote against your own interests.
How can you tell when a Republican is lying? There mouth is moving...
SO, FUCK YOU REPUBLICAN PARTY and all your talking heads.
This is NOT a political message, this is an American message. When someone, anyone, repeatedly lies to you over and over in an easily verifiable way, STOP LISTENING TO THEM. Please.