I must confess to have been converted to one of these people.
My wife busts my nuts if I dont put up the divider.
When she is not around I used to be a rebel and not use the divider like the good ol days.
recently, I put down a whole section of ribeye, several meatlovers pizzas & some XXL condoms.
I just went 'fuck it' and didnt use the divider.
Next thing I know its my turn & I get some slack jawed doe eyed teenager named Tad who thinks its a personal challenge to place everything into one bag all the fucking time.
(This little fucker one time put 4 cans of baked beans on top of my loaf of bread!)
The vacant eyed youf, (Turd I think his name is) Turd was unable to distinguish the fact the divider was metaphorically represented by the 18 inch gap between my hearty manly meaty goods and the organic mung beans & broccoli some Green voting, inner city, latte swilling douchebag had placed behind them.
This results in said organic crap touching my previously untainted meat products as Tad has deftly scooped them up in a flash and placed them in my bag.
Which of course means its now all got fucking vegan herpes & has to go back. The very recently agile & dexterous Tad has vanished & been just as quickly replaced by the vacant eyed opened mouth Turd who looks totally perplexed when I explain that I dont 'do' fucking mung beans or organic broccoli.
This results in the inner city douchebag explaining that mung beans are one of natures 'super foods'.
You see where Im going with all of this?
All I wanted was a huge slab of meat & some condoms.
Now im having to eghh 'interact' with others.
So while I may be 'socially retarded' and 'lazy'
The little divider helps limit my interactions with actual retards.
I truly thought the guy behind me was you when I overhead how he really 'scored' with the mung beans.
But turns out it was only Eddie Macguire
*now you can tell yr missus & yr little vegan friends you got 'dorked' today.
you are very welcome.