Fuck you !!!


Herbal Alchemist
Fuck you USPS for not updating your tracking. I want to know that my new Solo is here at my postal sorting facility, and will be delivered tomorrow, as stated via your website. :p

And, this morning STILL no updates. God, USPS sucks royally. :disgust:

Maybe the new motto for USPS and Canada Post should be, "we reserve the right to fuck up your shipment at our discretion."


Herbal Alchemist
Well, I met him at the mailbox and he says, "you're expecting a package?" I nod and tell him the USPS website says it is out for delivery. He looks in the back of the truck while I am standing in the pouring rain and comes back out to tell me, "sorry, I haven't got anything."

Of course not. Fuck you USPS. You always ruin my excitement. I wouldn't be surprised if you lost the damn package. You are pathetic, seriously. :rolleyes:

I think I will dab myself into calmness. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I just found this thread and it is awesome.

I would like to say fuck all the people who dick ride for overpriced bullshit! You know who you are!

Following trends for the most expensive unjustified glass all for the sake of being a "baller" mothership is OK glass but at that price for some clear glass it better give me head and be self cleaning. Even heavily worked glass should not be priced like a car. Some of these things are priced like houses! I have seen some amazing glass but nothing that justifies these price tags.
Quave is not god!
If some company started selling bottled water for $100 a bottle would you buy it just because it was baller? Even if it was comparable to water for a couple bucks?
I bet you idiots would!

Fuck you!


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
Fuck This! http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/meniers-disease-mmj.12182/page-2#post-597327



Space is the Place
:cry: Well Just Fuck me runnin'. I just walked out back to find my mother cleaning out my Pyrex reclaim dish.
It was evaporating nicely in the sunshine. Two months of reclaim on 3 golden vapolution stems, Solid gold EV elbowl and EV stem, UD stem, Hammer stems and gong and solo stem.



Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
It sucks. but what do you do ? I can only laugh.

She said , You left this out here and it got all nasty rusty orange and sticky I had to scrape it off. I replied GEE THANX MA ! I was gonna have to do that in a few hours.
You left out the part where this fell out of her pocket when she stooped over to pick up the plate!!!


(Absolutely no offense is intended. Saw opportunity to inject humor, took it...) :rockon:

Edit: Oh Fuck! Forgot to say Fuck! So here goes.................. F.U.C.K!


As Above ∞ So Below
A nice big FAT FUCK YOU to Poison Ivy...

Ruined the end of my weekend festival, and now I have to travel for work to Sacramento for work and deal with this shit the whole way. Luckily I got prescribed some meds, but not the kind I like haha.

Who wants to kick it in Sac?
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