Well-Known Member
Fuck working out and especially jogging at 95°f. That's a young man's game!
Just got back. Fuck if it's just a young mans game.
Fuck working out and especially jogging at 95°f. That's a young man's game!
I'm not a runner, so I am fairly certain that would kill me. I laugh when I see runners out around here in high 90s with high humidity or single digits and wind. It shows their dedication and commitment to their sport. It also shows they are a just little nuts.![]()
Yup. I get some strange looks from people who I KNOW are thinking, "What in the fuck is that old dude doing out here in this heat?" But I also get others who give me a........... I have a funny feeling that over the years I must have inspired a few people who say, "Fuck, if that old guy can do it, what in the fuck is my excuse?"
I asked my doc about this one time. I asked her, "Ya know, I'm 70 years old and taking my heart rate up to 85% of max for about an hour. I've been doing this for years, but I'm getting a bit concerned because of my age." She replied, "Are you fucking kidding me. As long as you've been doing this as long as you have and you're doing it without any symptoms of heart issues, such as dizzyness, chest pains, major shortness of breath, etc, I URGE you to keep on doing this for as long as you can. Your body will tell you when it's time to slow down. Until then...........have at it."
Working out with a heart rate monitor helps. When the heat rises, my monitor will tell me to slow down and compensate. When the temp lowers, it tells me, "Speed the fuck up you lazy ass". Sometimes I hate that monitor.
Fuck heart rate monitors!
Ever since my angioplasty I've used a heart rate monitor to govern my workouts. My problem is that my cardiologist told me not to exceed 140 bpm and that was four years ago. (I haven't asked since because I know he'd lower it.) Now, my issue was clogged arteries not a weak heart. He still imposed the limit, so the damned monitor is holding me back. If I don't look at it and work to what I feel is optimum, I'm in the 150s. At 140 I can still sing, let alone talk normally. I'll be 67 next month, by the way.
LOL. Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes I feel that it's holding me back when I'm running but after I'm done, I very rarely think, "That workout was way too easy".
At other times though, it pushes me.
What's your resting HR, Paka? Reason why I'm asking is typically, you can work out at a higher rate with a higher resting HR than if it was lower. I know that kinda sounds kinda counter-intuitive. My resting heart rate is pretty low and I know that at 140 (85% of my max), there is no way in hell that I'd be able to sing a tune let alone talk normally. I'd be huffin' and puffin' it.
Ten years ago, that wasn't the case. Hell, I remember when I use to work out at 160 while singin' a tune. Can't do that anymore.
Here's kind of a neat heart rate training calculator for any who are interested:
My resting heart rate is lower than most. Sitting it usually is 50-55. Sleeping it is 45-50 and sometimes lower. My recovery time to normal standing HR (~65) from 140 bpm is under two minutes.
I set off alarms when I was in the ICU before my angioplasty. I fell asleep and my HR dropped to the mid-30s. The nurses freaked out.
Fuck me if it was my graphic pic I posted on the New News thread that shut it down. Sorry if it was my fault everyone.![]()
Fuck me if it was my graphic pic I posted on the New News thread that shut it down. Sorry if it was my fault everyone.![]()
Well fuck me then. If controversial topics can't be debated here, I have no where else to go.
Naw, it wasn't your fault. You took your post down pretty quick. It was Flying Lows. Apparently, even my warnings in the first post of that thread meant absolutely nothing to him. Oh well, I tried putting up a News Thread but apparently, it isn't going to work. Personally, I would have much rather seen an individual ban than the thread being closed, but it is what it is.
Fuck anyone that thinks I shit in their cereal![]()
Also—and this has been pointed out before—this thread isn't a license to break the rules.
I would like to be able to have a 3rd chance at a news thread. Like the New, New , News or something like that.Pleasssse.
... but yeah, I was bummed when the first one got shut down, but having the second one shut down for the exact same reasons is more than just a bit frustrating ...
Back before the turn of the century a few of my friends claimed this as a must see film and told me the storyline. I still haven't seen it and refuse to break down and purchase it bc I can't find a source to watch free or rent... So I guess what I'm saying is Fuck You Blockbuster and Redbox etc..."city of god" .