well-worn member
Okay you got me going, @Shrike!
All o'bummer would have to do is undeclare the state of emergency, so the u.s. constitution can be re-instated as the supreme law of the land. We've been getting fucked over by the last two administrations in this respect, that is why these agencies are allowed these kind of extra-constitutional activities.
Fuck the bullshit executive branch state of emergency-rationalized theft of our civil rights!

All o'bummer would have to do is undeclare the state of emergency, so the u.s. constitution can be re-instated as the supreme law of the land. We've been getting fucked over by the last two administrations in this respect, that is why these agencies are allowed these kind of extra-constitutional activities.
Fuck the bullshit executive branch state of emergency-rationalized theft of our civil rights!