You guys all realize that was just the bike seat, right? Fuck you if you don't.
Ummm you folks know paka is a cop right? I mean look it up,"pakalolo" means "dirty cop" in some language I just made up.
Rumor is he's never banned anyone,just took them out back and shot them,then fIlmed himself violating the corpses. He then mails the tapes to the grieving family. Then,just to be a dick,he calls them up at 3am and issues them an infraction. That's not the kind of person you mess with. Or is he the perfect parson to mess with? Who the hell are we talking about any way? Damnit,I had something important to say....oh yeah,now I remember,Fuck Pakalolo!
Please don't flip out paka,the above ramblings were TOTALY in line with the O.P.!
Gotta admit,it did feel good,righteous even,