Bob Loblaw
Fuck the living

@Stu That's a dumb pic to post in the 'Fuck you!' thread so FUCK YOU.
@pakalolo FUCK YOU and your MFLB.
@OF You fuckin' know-it-all asshole, FUCK YOU (thanks again for the free stuff you just sent me).
@Vitolo FUCK YOU, you grumpy old goat.
@samirfuzzywuzzy You said that you were gonna send me some o-rings and silicone for my Solo and never did. I never said shit about it because I ended up getting them from another member but I'll say somethin' now; FUUUUUUUUCK YOU.
@pakalolo I reiterate: FUCK YOU.
@nigel I never really liked you from Day 1. FUCK YOU.
@mvapes You just sit around all day drawing dumb shit on your fingers?? Well FUCK YOU and fuck your fingers ().
@ataxian I never knew that gay robots existed until I met you (just an odd fact I thought I'd mention).
@pakalolo FUCK YOU once more.
That's all you got???
You don't scare me, little boy.
MAN UP! Then maybe you'll be deserving of an FU from me.
Fuck you. The internet is serious business.![]()
That's all you got???
You don't scare me, little boy.
MAN UP! Then maybe you'll be deserving of an FU from me.
I just realized that you're the real Tweek and not that fake one with a similar spelling.
I mistook you for the other one because you changed your avatar.
Aww shit... I messed with Mr. Witty himself![]()
Edit: I highly recommend this article on how to be witty.
Fuck witty, Tweek
Fuck lucky, Tweek
And fuck Tweek for being interesting and someone I like on this fucking board.
Fuck me for liking anyone...![]()
WOW. I had no idea that one could actually learn this.![]()
If it helps you feel any better, I am a pretty dull guy irl.
You're pretty fucking dull here too. (>>>>>>>>>..........................poof !)
If it helps you feel any better, I am a pretty dull guy irl. I usually just hang around my cave, dreaming up new ways to fuck with those crazy squanch hunters.
They did a good job all by themselves .Fuck people like this...
Fuck you too lwien. BTW it's not your thread, i can't seriously punch another member in the face. I am having fun with this thread. You can't control the monster you created and I can say FUCK YOU ALL I WANT!!!Mark, I don't think he meant it in the way you're taking it. See my post in the "smoking" thread.
Also, this thread was not created to seriously punch another member in the face. It was created for a bit of fun while "pretending" to punch another member in the face as well as a place to vent ones frustrations in regards to outside forces, but again, not a place to "seriously" slam another member.
I know, I'm sounding kind of modish here but I really don't want to see this thread go in the direction that you are steering it to.
I am going to say this once and only once. If I see any more posts in this thread that are a deliberate slam towards another member, or even a post that I perceive to be a slam, I'm shutting this thread down......