"Anger is one of those murky emotions most people often try to conceal or restrain. It gets a bad rep and it certainly does no good to hold on to it but I believe there is immense value in understanding your anger and from that point learning how to express it wisely. There’s a difference between a temper-tantrum and articulating your emotions in a clear and direct way.
Gracefully telling people to fuck off is therapeutic. Righteous anger must be skillfully expressed in the moment.
There’s an art to not giving a fuck and knowing when it’s appropriate to flip the table the fuck over and let people know what’s up.
When someone does something you don’t like, do you speak up or wallow in repressed guilt for feeling any semblance of aggression?
Of course there are times when discernment is critical and how we choose to express our distaste in certain situations will determine how favorable the outcome will be.
But if we keep swallowing our emotions for the sake of avoiding friction and unfavorable reactions from our environment, we betray ourselves.
Eventually, those emotions we push down will erupt.
The sound of a coin hitting the ground might set you off. A co-worker’s remark might send you over the edge.
Telling people to go fuck themselves is one of the best things you can do for your self-esteem.
Don’t let people push you around. If you’re too agreeable, you are prone to be exploited by others.
You gotta draw the line somewhere and let people know when they cross it. You’re the referee and you need to make sure everyone plays fairly, including yourself.
Challenge yourself and others. Push boundaries and test limits. Allow your personality the freedom to be expressed.
If someone does something you don’t like. Tell them. If they don’t like it, fuck them. At least you had the courage to tell them the truth. The outcome won’t always be in your favor but you’ll learn to respect yourself.
Your fears will no longer deter you. Doubts will dissolve and you will eventually recognize how powerful you truly are. Your authenticity won’t always be admired or appreciated but you will attract the right people, inspired by your willingness to put yourself out there.
Go ahead and try it. The next time someone blatantly tries to take advantage of you for any reason, calmly tell them to go fuck themselves. And if you get fired from your job for standing up for yourself, after the initial panic subsides, realize it was not the right job to begin with.
Listen to your anger. Heed the advice of your frustration. When you find yourself upset, it’s typically a good sign that something needs to change and you need to take some form of action.
Now do me a favor, go fuck yourself!"
Anger is one of those murky emotions most people often try to conceal or restrain. It gets a bad rep and it certainly does no good to hold…