I personally wouldn't want a logo anywhere on a bong
There are a ton of fights out there if you seek them out. Shit talkers are out and about in force today as much as ever. It seems like people often have an opinion about things they just can't seem to keep to themselves any more.
That being said, I've never lost a physical fight in my life. (And, I've been in more than a couple.)
How can that be? I'm not a big guy and, even when I was a hyper-fit young man, it was all in the legs and core. Not the impressive big upper body strength one associates with fight winners. My trick was/is that, I am the most apologetic, nice guy, "puss"y you've ever seen--until I'm not. I try to completely disengage my ego and place a desire to not fight above all other conditions other than danger to myself or others.
I'm not a liar, nor do I lack courage to stand up for my errors. "Sorry, man, I was just talking to my buddy. I did call you a shit-stained fucktard, but it was in jest and I didn't mean for you to overhear it. Can I buy you a beer?" "Yea, man, you're right. I shouldn't have said anything. Sorry." "I 'preciate your point of view. I can't say I disagree. I'll head on out now. You have a great day."
Of course, if my complete supplication doesn't work, off we go. Except, you'll be fighting for your ego and I'll be fighting for my life. That doesn't mean I'd win. It just means that, so far, I have.
https://rrs.cnr.ncsu.edu/pdfs/Dealing with Difficult Situations.pdf
While I'm a shit talker, I would never block a sidewalk or get in someone's face in the hopes of a fight. Even when you "win", fights hurt and should be avoided. It's been decades since I've carried concealed so don't have any established procedure for what I would do if I had to present. I know that in my state, I would spend little time pressing charges if I drew on someone and more time STFU other than saying I was in fear of my life in as many different ways as possible.That being said and going by what you said you don't seem like the type of person that just talks shit about random people walking by and blocking sidewalks attempting physical contact to start a fight, So clearly this would not happen to you but yeah that's exactly what can happen to dumb little groups of shit starters. I have had to defend my life multiple times in public from morons like these. I always press charges if i have to pull a firearm.
. I got a feeling if you had told them you wanted a lawyer the second they spotted the MJ it wouldn't have ended the same happy way. Interesting.......
You're in the wrong thread. Here that begins: FUCK those people who don't let you finish sentences...I can't stand those who don't let you finish sentences.
Or when responding to one of their statements, they repeat their concept over your answer.
It is always as if we were in a hurry. Many speak. Few listen.
Former Mexican President Fox Cinco de Mayo Salute to Donald Trump