Fuck you !!!


Recovering Idealist

And fuck my grade 11 english teacher for teaching me that "is because" is bad grammar because I've never not noticed it since then.
So what you are really saying is "I can't Google's at the moment, because I am hungry for some chili." Fuck you Vetenari. Fuuuuuck Youuuuu.
That was it exactly,yes.
The chili was really nice btw:p,fuck you for not wishing me 'smakelijk eten'!
Yup...........that's him.
Thought that must have been him,my kind of guy.:science:
Fuck my country for allowing the Fox network to get a foothold here,i was never a believer in all the 'end of days/Apocalypse/Ragnarok'-tales,considering them myths,but now...where is that tinfoil...?:tinfoil:


well-worn member
Fuck relatives that seem to think your joking when you say things like " What the Fuck , your driving a Dodge Viper and just bought your GF of less then a year a fully restored '60s Jag .
Think you could pay me back the few grand in vet bills I'm in debt with Due to Watching YOUR DOG for the last three fucking years ?"


EDIT : Didn't even mention the $50 a month for dog food and milkbones . that shit adds up !

Relative or not, send that mf an itemized invoice, outlining interest accumulation and collection protocols. Then see if he still thinks you're kidding!

Ps; don't forget to invoice him for the time it takes to invoice him!


I just posted the full text of the justice memo here.

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That was it exactly,yes.
The chili was really nice btw:p,fuck you for not wishing me 'smakelijk eten'!

Thought that must have been him,my kind of guy.:science:
Fuck my country for allowing the Fox network to get a foothold here,i was never a believer in all the 'end of days/Apocalypse/Ragnarok'-tales,considering them myths,but now...where is that tinfoil...?:tinfoil:
What the fuck does - Si non Confectus Non Reficiat. - mean.


On the Stoop
Motherfucking lying pieces of shit at USPS!!!!! I've been tracking this package for 2 days. I called my local POS post office at 4:50 asking where my package was -told they are still out delivering.

Get another notice from USPS.FUCKYOUANDYOURFUCKINGSOLO at 5:15 saying a notice was left:bang:. Called those Motherfuckers to say that no notice is in my mailbox, so as USUAL those lazy Motherfuckers just didn't bother.

Semi nice lady who took my call said she'd call me back:lol:. Go out again to see if maybe the notice is stuck up in the box and run into the USPS guys delivering packages:clap: But NOT for me:bang: The truck guys don't have it, so it was the POS Motherfucking Streetwalker who didn't bother to deliver my Solo.

Hmm I'll call you back in 15 minutes has turned into 45 minutes.

I was a block away from the P.O this morning and stopped in because i got a tracking notice saying it was there and while i was waiting on line got a notice saying it was out for delivery. I finally got to the window and was told it was out already:uhh:

Fucking assholes- is it any wonder why you're going out of business:rolleyes:
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