No thanks. Don't know what I might catch from it.Fuck this...
Well a Giant size Fuck You Shkreli and anybody who does business with this weasel masquer
A big ol' FUCK YOU to the person who starts off trying to make their point by saying.... 'You know what your problem is'?
Because at that point I'm pretty sure my problem is going to be YOU.
Fuck you to the arsehole who keeps fucking with my car. It's only a shitty Golf but am getting fed up wasting my time and money replacing tyres and windscreens.
I will catch you eventually.
When I do, I fear for your safety. I won't go to the cops I will simply rearrange your facial features.
Fuck you to the arsehole who keeps fucking with my car. It's only a shitty Golf but am getting fed up wasting my time and money replacing tyres and windscreens.
I will catch you eventually.
When I do, I fear for your safety. I won't go to the cops I will simply rearrange your facial features.
A big FU to our stupid capatalist healthcare system. If only FDR had lived long enough to institute some of his ideas in OUR country that became widespread in Europe, such as universal healthcare. We're that the case, I would not have had to make my 1 month thyroid med last 2 months and, as a result, my low-thyroid itchiness and hives are returning. Oh, joy. I hope I do not have to go through the swelling, total body hives, and a mild version of anaphylaxic shock again before I get my thyroid regulated.
You never fuck with a mans wheels, woman or kids unless you want some serious beef indeed. Hopefully it is just a kid but a 13 tear old will stab you quicker than a 30 year old in an "incident" these days.
How many times has this happened? Did you cut anyones grass or have you fucked anyone over in the last decade? Sounds targeted but it could be a gang of local hooligans fucking around. I agree that a bit of ball peen hammer justice is preferable to getting the filth involved. Hammers & small joints to not mix well.
Posts like this make me appreciate the fact we have Medicare here. It is not perfect but at least there is basic medical cover for everyone regardless of how much $$ you have. Our government also subsidizes a lot of medications too & I will never understand how some folks in America genuinely think having universal basic healthcare is the equivalent to communism yet celebrate the US military spending billions destroying innocent lives.
I suppose fuck you with a cricket bat anyone who thinks that way. Also fuck the companies profiteerring from the manufacturer, sale & use of weapons who also get the no bid rebuilding contracts & of course also get the lifetime triple dip exploiting disabled veterans. Oh yeah fuck you bigtime you fucking trash cunt pieces of flotsam. My morning leavings has more moral fibre than your entire corporations.
Finally fuck me for opening this thread & going from happy to sad to angry to broken & apathetic about the world inside 10 minutes. Yeah fuck me
No fella I 'go placidly amid the noise and haste'
I've never fucked anyone over and my missus has been targeted also.
The only reason that goes through my mind would be the fact Mrs H is black and I have mixed race children.
I truly hate thinking it, but as I've been a victim of race hate on more than one occasion it's the first thing that comes to mind when shit like this happens now.
And it fucking boils my blood. That's when the pacifist in me bails and my MMA training kicks in.
I would happily take a knife off someone and shove it up there rectum.
Fuck racists!
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I would consider how visible you car stands out in your area. Some people at FC have even bothered with security cameras. Have the police been helping you with this? Are your neighbors having incidents too?No fella I 'go placidly amid the noise and haste'
I've never fucked anyone over and my missus has been targeted also.
The only reason that goes through my mind would be the fact Mrs H is black and I have mixed race children.
I truly hate thinking it, but as I've been a victim of race hate on more than one occasion it's the first thing that comes to mind when shit like this happens now.
And it fucking boils my blood. That's when the pacifist in me bails and my MMA training kicks in.
I would happily take a knife off someone and shove it up there rectum.
Fuck racists!
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I would consider how visible you car stands out in your area. Some people at FC have even bothered with security cameras. Have the police been helping you with this? Are your neighbors having incidents too?
Fuck having any social situation where you have to evaluate whether racism is an issue or a fake. Fuck the stress and mind fuck of having to bother to get in the mind of any short minded idiot just for the sake of getting on with your day. I try to tell myself that we have all have advanced socially enough to not cry racism every time something pops up. But for some who are more like minded "Hell is other people."
Each person has there own story and set of experiences and to lump that into a category of a race, creed, gender, mental condition, what have you, is a disservice to the capacity and versatility of the human intellect. Humans are extremely adaptable compared to the other species, and we would not have progressed as far as we have without tapping the potential of everybody. Ideas outlive people. Take that either way you like.
I try to understand the conditions that bring about all forms of narrow thought. And try to hate the condition that brought us here. Not on the people who lacking the understanding, hopefully being temporarily once that said person has been exposed to more types of people and life situations. Hopefully they will be offered opportunities through life to get familer with people who are a little different then the folks in their home town and broaden their understanding.
There is racism, but there is also awkward unfamiliarity. I try hard to separating the two to avoid any 'situation' that can pop up. I have have had racist assertions thrown at me by someone being catty who frankly has their own ignorance to sort out. If you try that manipulative shit on me, and try to cheapen the experience of those who have genuinely suffered by force. I will call you out on it. If you can't figure out that most people don't sort everything through some shallow negative filter you created, then the burden belongs entirely on you. You have to recognize the processes of 'other' people thinking and believing what they do. Before trying to unload on some fool like me who is too ignorant of the latest outrage occurring in the news to be wacist.
I do see more of people using the language of reason more. Also people are more open about discussing their mental state and condition and well being. Which is a more accurate context of weighing ones own decision making.
Fuck overcompensating and reverse racism and all forms of conflation of this. Treat each person as an individual first when you have the time, even if they think and identify themselves as such. Get to solving problems that brought us here. Don't build on it for chrissakes. Tear that shit down. Problem is when you tear that shit down. The other unaddressed bullshit is exposed and has no place to hide. Like flipping over a rock and all seeing all the little bugs scurry off.
But if someone messes with my car, Forget what I said earlier, I see red. All my rational and compassion is out the window.The primal parts of my brain are on-line. And a little Bat justice is dispensed. All of my cars have been like daughters to me. People who know me, only use my pet names for my car when they are with in earshot around me. As if my car somehow achieved person hood and they don't want to offend me.
Guess the forms of bullying was the point I was trying to make. It touched a nerve with me before. I have been bullied in that manner I described before. And try to keep small situations small and make an effort to not conflate any actual things that need to be addressed. Like miscommunication and semantics. I have helped others come around in my own small way and lowered the tension when ordinary spice of life problems arise. Starting to get more of a reputation for it too.The only thing I hate more than hate, is bullying. (Which is a form of hate I guess)
Thanks for taking the time out to long post.
I am considering an on board camera.
Unlike you I don't value inanimate obects anymore. I used to. Untill I had my second motorcycle stolen. Which was my pride and joy, unlike any car I've ever owned. Seriously, It felt like loosing a limb.
Since then I'm 'easy come, easy go'.
It's not the fact that between us me and Mrs H have had 5 slashed tyres a broken windscreen and two pieces of key artwork done to our cars since we moved to this area a year ago.
It's the inconvenience and the loss of money.
Fuck that!@!@!
The only thing I hate more than hate, is bullying. (Which is a form of hate I guess)
Thanks for taking the time out to long post.
I am considering an on board camera.
Unlike you I don't value inanimate obects anymore. I used to. Untill I had my second motorcycle stolen. Which was my pride and joy, unlike any car I've ever owned. Seriously, It felt like loosing a limb.
Since then I'm 'easy come, easy go'.
It's not the fact that between us me and Mrs H have had 5 slashed tyres a broken windscreen and two pieces of key artwork done to our cars since we moved to this area a year ago.
It's the inconvenience and the loss of money.
Fuck that!@!@!
A lot of people forget, (or weren't around), but America got out of Vietnam under Nixon's watch.It's that damn Nixon. Ever since he was elected nothing's gone right.
A lot of people forget, (or weren't around), but America got out of Vietnam under Nixon's watch.
[sorry for off-topic]
VP with Eisenhower who warned us this way back in the 50's.Nixon also wrote that the only way to stop wars is to take the profit out of them.
By today's standards he'd be considered a moderate.