Fuck Quest. They are nothing but collectors of PISS and BLOOD.
fuck judging others by what they like to collect.
some people like to collect coins, some people like
@mvapes collect social diseases. I even used to collect girls knickers that apparently mysteriously vanished during a one night stand at my house. Many a young lass (& the odd old boiler) left my house sans panties, with me exclaiming that 'they have to be there somewhere sweetheart.'
'Baby Ill call you when I find them!'

I think I got to about 18 pairs before I stole Mrs Dorkus's.
Then she stole my heart.....
or was it my wallet?
I assume Quest is some sort of code word for
@Stu 's only pair of underwear?
His nether regions are a lifetime collection of many liquids, solids & semi-solids.
its a hot, humid, brown & yellow land in stu's panties.
a land of unusual features and odd growths, there are some native animals, several kinds of exotic fungi and a contrast of coloured discharge that defies belief & some university researchers.
I also hear there is a philly cheesesteak sammich in there somewhere as well.
He just cant remember if he put it in the front or the back, but he's been eating for 3 days.
Its testament to modern science that antibiotics really do work, even on animals like stu.
so fuck underwear!
and fuck pants too!
oh and...............