Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Herbal Alchemist


Vapor Sloth
You know Goblaw, you are harshing my buzz right now, but its probably correct since I actually always just accepted it as true. Funny. Fred was still an amazing guy however, and taught many valuable lessons that obviously were overlooked by some of the frequenters of this thread. Not mentioning any names ;)

Edit Bob Ross was PHENOMENAL . . . I can meditate to that.
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Well-Known Member

Hey guys/gals, still doing hard time with the MIL and her stinky feet.
3 days to go. woohoo!

Having all this pent up angst from having this disruption in my home life, has recently led me to experiment with trolling.

Now I know Im not allowed to engage in such horrible behaviour on FC.

So, I thought I would start on youtube. I saw this vid by this dude & thought I would give the bloke a bit of a hard time.

Well fuck me, Ima pretty sure this guys is fucking retarded or illiterate.
I bust his balls and nuthin!

here is the link (ima the star wars nerd)

I think I may have to rethink my plan and meebee go back to beating children.
Sure its crude, but its effective!:tup:

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Well-Known Member
Years ago my hobby was scam baiting.

Fucking with multi millionaire nigerian princes & hot young russian chicks who wanna be my wife was an excellent outlet for my creative writing skills.

Unfortuneatly, the nigerians got a bit upset, shit got weird & I had to show them who was boss.

Then all the spam dried up, and I havent had that sort of fun in quite awhile. (Mrs D_M no longer approves)

Jeebus I had some fun tho. My imagination literally ran wild.

.....................ahhh good times.





Oil Painter
So, who wants to come to my place, and help me unpack boxes and figure out where the hell this stuff goes? :)

I will supply the weed. Even a little oil. Coffee too.

Damn, I am sore. Really, really fucking fucktard sore.

It was nice to walk to work this morning, though.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
This gives me couch lock!

We alllllllllllllllllllllllllll know that ataxia:brow:. I did forget to tell you and of course my family here that I tried gsc when I went to that dispensary. The man had an ecig with it in it but I coughed my back off so no bueno. I asked what was in it and he said gsc no shit mister. What is it mixed with pg or vg. He said what is vg ugh. I said veggie glycerin and then he said oh pg by its full name but I am not even going to try to spell it. This is who we are supposed to trust. In either respect it had almost no taste and the one hit no effect but I wouldn't expect any.
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