This sounds scary:
Scientists Discover Marijuana Buzz-Blocking Hormone
Jan 06, 2014
Scientists from the French Institute of Health and Medical Research believe they have discovered a hormone that blocks the buzz of marijuana. Pregnenolone may be released as a natural response to counteract the mind-altering effects of marijuana.
Researchers conducted the study by giving massive amounts of marijuana to lab rats. They then monitored the rats’ brain activity and found raised levels of Pregnenolone being metabolized in response to the marijuana.
Once Pregnenolone began to be elevated, the effects of the marijuana began to subside. This same effect was replicated in human cell lines, indicating the human brain may show a similar response.
According to the journal Science, “Their discovery could lead to new approaches to treating marijuana intoxication and addiction – and it may allow researchers to isolate the medicinal properties of cannabis while blocking its behavioral and somatic effects.”
If pregnenolone’s effect can be confirmed, it would mark “the first pharmacological therapy for cannabis dependence,” explained study author Pier Vincenzo Piazza of the French Institute of Health and Medical Research.
The french sure can be dicks about

Imo, many of mj's "medicinal properties" are
dependent on its behavioral and somatic effects