Whoa... I just escaped the worst week of my life.
Friend of mine asked me, early in the week, to check out the aura of a third person in her household. It's been some time since I "got all witchy" and tapped in, and I failed to properly protect myself. Shit. As an empath, I should know better. Got that all sorted back out last night, which was great as it was Solstice, and a good time to conclude that "long dark night of the soul"...
Woke up this morning feeling like I'm back again... as good as I was earlier in the week.
More cat drama here... we have the pee thing pretty much sorted. yes, Ghost still announces her stress by peeing on the carpet, but she is keeping it in one area, I'm soaking it up and putting the paper towel in the litter box, then deep cleaning the spot. It is workable. No stress on it.
Now, it's food. *sigh*
Unless there is a secret stash of tasty mice somewhere, Ghost has not eaten in three days. Merri was doing some nasty territorial stuff around the food dishes, so now I'm putting the food down, plopping my ass on the floor and keeping them company as they eat, then putting it all away when Merri is finished. Ghost sniffs hers, then walks away. Keep in mind, this arrangement worked flawlessly before. Nothing has changed except cat attitudes.
Merri is calmer today, so I'm hoping that Ghost will finally get hungry enough to eat her food (today I included a small drizzle of olive oil on the raw rabbit, and she licked some of it off, then nibbled a little taste, then walked off). Sigh.
Scored some good medicine yesterday

I did a bit of search on Leafly, and picked strains that are good for hypertension. Best part, these strains are NOT "top shelf"... but they are effective!