Vicki, if it makes you feel better, pops and I raise a steer every year and a half or two for beef. Pops invites some of his brothers and we make an afternoon out of cleaning an 1100lb monster. Enough meat to give away to everyone and still have enough to hold us over until the next steer.
The ONLY downside to this? Dad was a chef for 12 years and raised animals all his life... even the steaks at the nice places can't compare anymore! The only beef I can eat now is in burgers/burritos. The meat we raise is way too tasty
The ONLY downside to this? Dad was a chef for 12 years and raised animals all his life... even the steaks at the nice places can't compare anymore! The only beef I can eat now is in burgers/burritos. The meat we raise is way too tasty