Dreamer - don't get me started!!! Creamed Pickled Herring coming up!Oh yeah!!! Borscht with sour cream...LOVE IT!!!

Dreamer - don't get me started!!! Creamed Pickled Herring coming up!Oh yeah!!! Borscht with sour cream...LOVE IT!!!
While we're on the subject of tasty food....Does anyone fancy some lovely Jellied Eels?
If just the look and idea of them isn't enough to put you off I remember hearing somebody explain how to eat them correctly. I believe the basic technique is to pop the eel in your mouth whole and then sort of suck the gelatinous "meat" off from around the bones and then spit them out afterwards. Mmmmm delicious.....are you sure I can't interest you in trying some, no?
The both of you are certainly a lot braver than I am when it comes to food. I tried some sort of mollusc once, I couldn't bring myself to swallow it and I haven't tried any others since. I've never had tripe or any other various organs, it may not be very adventurous but I guess I like to stick to plain boring muscle tissue. I did try liver once actually but the smell really put me off before I even took a bite.
I've never heard of Penis Stu but I've heard of Penne Pasta, are there any similarities?
Since I wrote that last post I've now got this song stuck in my head so I feel I have to share it with you.
Warning: I will not be held responsible for any loss of sanity due to watching this video.